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Posts posted by bensam56

  1. What are you planning for new version Ben?

    May I make a feature request? More tweaks for Start menu (Taskbar-properties-Start menu-customize).

    There are also two typos I found:

    In tweaks section- explorer, there is Programes instead of Programs.

    If you add Device manager in context menu to My computer,it says Device manger.

    Regadring tweaks, maybe you can get inspired for more stuff in 7Customizer (which unfortunately is not developed anymore) (see attachement for one of the sections)

    sure...I have some more new set of tweaks apart from this.

  2. has anyone tried to trim the OS using this software??? well I have successfully installed the OS but there's alot of things been removed even though didn't select them to be remove.... also for me the Default Features is odd, I deselect all the default features but still being removed by the software.

    guys do have any working preset that can trim my OS? can you share preset with us thanks :D.

    post your last session file....

  3. Hi Bensam,

    yeah, I did it once more and the same mistake!

    I used a Win 7 64-bit surrounding, there were no other proggies in use, no avira antivir,...

    My base is a Win 7-x64 in which I already had the sp1 rc integrated.

    Everything runs proberly but then it crashes with this announcement I have in my picture with the snipping tool.

    That is very frustating for me !

    But anyway the proggies seems to become good.

    Have you an idea ?

    let me check with your settings in rt seven lite and report you back. your 1st screenshot and 2nd is completely different.

    Edit: @Pedi: I checked that and its a bug. I will fix it in next update very soon. The 1st screenshot exception is very rare one. Just close it and open the app again. It will be solved. The 2nd one is a bug. Thank you. Its same for all others who reported that double install.wim is found in os directory and this error report.

  4. Hi, i have integrated the SP1 on Win7 . Normally before this integration ,the size of the "tweaked" ISO was 1.5gb. Now after the integration of the SP1 the size is arrived at 2,5gb. I'ts normal this? Also the size of installed Sysop is increased for some gb.


    Auto quote me.

    Sorry if a topic is already covered.

    1) I read that had been resolved the problem of removal of the snipping tool. I removed the Tablet PC is gone but also the snipping tool.

    2) Is possible to disable the swap file like as the ibernation ?

    3) Is possible to config the Lan setting? I can't find a cofig section if present.


    If tablet PC was selected then snipping tool will also be deleted.

  5. I don't know what's your great confusion here to use.....If you something wants to remove on the left side which is permanently removed if same app found found on the default windows features you have to uncheck that first. Both are linked.

    Well, I was (and partially still am) confused because it's not SO obvious. I know it's simple to you, but not to me :P

    I mean, when you use the program the first time (or maybe when you simply don't know it too well yet), how are you supposed to know how exactly this works?

    How about if you add a simple line of text above the panels saying something like "Right panel works in the same way as Enable/disable Windows features option from Control panel, and if you want to remove something permanently, it must not be ticked on the right panel"? That would clear things perfectly. I mean, even people here gave me various explanations (like having to tick stuff in the right panel first in order to being able to remove it in the left).

    Saving last session is working good. Your output will be saved only after every operation completed successfully. It will not save it instantly after you giving the name and path. For drivers, it will take the inf if it's related files found otherwise it will exclude that. Nvidia and AT drivers integration is fixed in upcoming new build. If you select Multiple drivers button, rt 7 lite will search upto the last root folders. Suppose if you select just windows, it will search every inf under that folder. Also it will read the entire inf to locate its related files. I can say...its working good.

    Automatic saving of lastsession.inf works and it did before indeed, but that is not what I meant at all.

    Maybe I misunderstood, but when when I click on Settings in the main window, untick "Save current settings", which ungreys the "Save as" button, I believe I should be able to select a path where the settings will be saved instead of the default location somewhere inside RT7's folder. It simply does nothing and no matter what I do, the file doesn't appear in the location I specify (after the whole process of course, I don't expect the file to be created straight away /it wouldn't make any sense anyway/). So my conclusion is specifying custom location of the settings doesn't work, unless I am missing something.

    As for the integration, let me try to make a few screenshots to show you what I mean.

    Firstly, let's say I want to integrate chipset drivers which are located att e:\Install\ovladace\chipset\\WIN7\.

    On the integration screen I go "Select multiple drivers" and navigate to the folder where they are located.


    The problem is that when I press ok, I get blank screen, just like this:


    Now the way to go around this is to select the whole 9.2.1015 folder, and finally there is something in the little window!:


    Voila! It worked!


    This really looks like a bug to me (not quite important, but slightly annoying in my opinion).

    By the way, what exactly does "boot WIM image only" mean? Like drivers that will only be used during setup? Or something else?

    Anyway, really looking forward to version 1.7.0.

    well, if you check the drivers....its ALLinOS driver. So the INF will be found in the parent folder not in sub-folders. If ther is no inf in that folder then you cannot see any drivers to select.

  6. TNX again myselfidem for yr help;)

    BTW, the actual Win7 builtd RTSe7enLite is NOT fully silent. To finish the installation, it ask for User Name; Passworg; then Configure Windows for Updates...

    As much I understood, "Lastsession.inf" is the result of RTSe7enLite integration and can be used to check how goes the integration, BUT it NOT used for Win7 installation.

    Therfore if everything goes fine it can be throw. Isn't it???

    Will wait bensam56 advices. Hope he will reply shortly.

    rt 7 lite uses dism for updates integration....Updates are being installed in different ways. If you are starting the installation from BIOS then its installing all the updates but if you are trying to install the windows from your previous desktop it's missing to install some updates. To ensure that updates are integrated or not....mount your customized windows manually using dism and locate the following path


    In that folder you can see all the integrated updates file in .mum and .cat. Check whether all your updates KB is present. If it's present then it results RT 7 Lite integrated the updates correctly otherwise it means rt 7 lite is not working. Regarding WPI, you will not get that restart mode in coming new build.

  7. Helllo,

    I built my newest Win7 DVD by using "RT Se7en Lite RC build 1.60" to integrate the Updates, LangPacks, Drivers, Tweaks and Remove all language components except japanees (red), then I integrated the Addons with Windows 7 Toolkit and finally added WPI+Softwares.

    I tested it today, the updates wasn't integrated (:

    Moreover, at about the end of win7 installation when user themes are installed, WPI is launched, 2 minutes later I get a message indicating windows goes to be restarted in less than a minute.

    As expected after th restart, i got no more chance to install the softwares with WPI.

    Anything wrong with my process?

    BTW, As I'm using and will use only English and French languages, may i remove all all language components including Japanese?


    post your last session

  8. But still if I have to mark stuff on right first in order to be able to remove it, why can I tick anything on left anyway? I still do not understand at all.

    I don't know what's your great confusion here to use.....If you something wants to remove on the left side which is permanently removed if same app found found on the default windows features you have to uncheck that first. Both are linked. Saving last session is working good. Your output will be saved only after every operation completed successfully. It will not save it instantly after you giving the name and path. For drivers, it will take the inf if it's related files found otherwise it will exclude that. Nvidia and AT drivers integration is fixed in upcoming new build. If you select Multiple drivers button, rt 7 lite will search upto the last root folders. Suppose if you select just windows, it will search every inf under that folder. Also it will read the entire inf to locate its related files. I can say...its working good.

  9. Windows could not set a partition active disk 0. The specified partition does not exist on the target drive, The error occurred while applying the unattend answer files

    <Disk Configuration> Setting. Error coede 0x80300002.

    I work for a school right now and I have to deploy windows 7 on multiple computers and this is the main issue I am having. When focusing on the unattend aspect, it always tells me that the partition could not be found because of the answer file or something along the lines of the partition and the word "parse." I am using an actual computer as my tester because there are a couple lying about so it seems a little smarter this way.

    I understand that this is my first post so please go easy on telling me I am an id*** for not looking around here to find the answer first. I rather ask the question to the people who will know and reaserch while they help than simply go looking for something I cant seem to find.

    are you testing it on virtual machine?

    No because I am lucky enough to have another computer at the office that is simply lying about, one would think that if I could apply it to a real computer why do it to a virtual one? Now, does it actually make a significant diffrence? I am not trying to argue by the way, simply stating my thought process in the matter, and thank you again.

    I'm sorry if ther was no such partition it will not install. But app will display the exact partition and name. You have to use it for that PC alone not for another PC. Another PC may have different ID. Check with that. If ther is no allocated partition you will get that error.

  10. Windows could not set a partition active disk 0. The specified partition does not exist on the target drive, The error occurred while applying the unattend answer files

    <Disk Configuration> Setting. Error coede 0x80300002.

    I work for a school right now and I have to deploy windows 7 on multiple computers and this is the main issue I am having. When focusing on the unattend aspect, it always tells me that the partition could not be found because of the answer file or something along the lines of the partition and the word "parse." I am using an actual computer as my tester because there are a couple lying about so it seems a little smarter this way.

    I understand that this is my first post so please go easy on telling me I am an id*** for not looking around here to find the answer first. I rather ask the question to the people who will know and reaserch while they help than simply go looking for something I cant seem to find.

    are you testing it on virtual machine?

  11. Mods or Admins: I cannot able to update the topic.

    "Warning: Visiting this site may harm your computer!

    The website at www.msfn.org contains elements from the site www.sokoolz.com, which appears to host malware – software that can hurt your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Just visiting a site that contains malware can infect your computer."

    I don't know some one's signature or images are linked with this domain "www.sokoolz.com"

    My Antivirus program also blocking this URL....

  12. ****.I have a problem:

    Seems that due to Nvidia installer changes as of driver version 260.xx i can´t integrate any drivers newer than 259.xx to Win7 image.

    Tryed both DISM 7600 and 7601 - No luck.System starts in 256 colors and no driver installed.nv_disp folder just has the .inf file in it.Nothing more.

    Tryed RT7Lite - No luck.Program reports succesful integration and nv_disp contains all nessesary files but still no driver installed.

    Tryed to integrate copy of System32/drivers/DriverStore/nv_disp folder - No luck

    Tryed to unpack installer with UniExtract and integrating extracted files - No luck.

    So has anyone been able to integrate Nvidia 260.xx series drivers into Windows 7?

    Windows 7 SP1 RC x64 (ISO with SP1 RC integrated by MS)

    Nvidia Display Driver 260.99

    RT7 Lite 2.4.0

    Dism 7600/7601

    create a silent installer and add it in application integration. Otherwise get it from Microsoft catalog updates. It will work...

  13. also has anyone found how to integrate sp1?

    RT 7 Lite beta 2.1.0 for slipstreaming:

    doesn't work correctly

    See reverse integration is almost same as online integration. You are saying only if service pack is listed in installed updates list in control panel after windows installation called to be a correct method?...Download the integrated SP1 RC version from MSDN directly and check it in control panel. If you check the MUM file in service pack they didn't added control panel entry for service pack if its done offline. Thing is whether can you able to receive updates for service pack and other features of Service pack after windows installation. I installed and tested the method I implemented. I'm receiving service pack updates and can able to use the new features in service pack after windows installation.

  14. I would like to conduct an informal survey. I find that I am having to set the registry setting "NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate" to zero. It should be "0" by default, but somehow after using RT7 Lite, it has been set to "1". Windows Backup needs this to be set to "0" so that it can see when files have been changed in order to make incremental backups. I would like you to check this registry setting yourself, and if you haven't already changed it, please report in this thread what you have it set to. You'll find the setting here:



    Some people toggle it to "1" to save some disk activity and thus improve performance; the default setting should be "0".

    Thank you.

    Billar...I checked that after you said. I saw the registry settings in untouched OS but its 1 by default not 0. I checked in every version. That's not before or after the usage of rt 7 lite.

  15. well, I will post the method of integration using dism once final one is released. Microsoft reported that in Vista SP2 cannot be integrated with previous SP1 files and that windows cannot be installed. So people did reverse method of integration. But still its possible for direct Integration of Vista SP2 using pkgmgr. I tested the method for Vista SP2 slipstream what I implemented for Windows 7 SP1. It works. Here, You can add it in apps section if you want to install it in last phase. Use the appropriate switch and add it. But if you add in Apps you may get some error while installing SP1. So better add in Runonce feature in unattended section.

  16. RT7lite not compatible (no slipstream) with SP1 RC Wave1 (windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe 865MB) download from microsoft.

    SP1 RC Wave1 download:


    Sorry my english

    I will check it and update the app....also in v1.5 people may get error while mounting. Its due to manifest file missing in exe. So please run the app as administrator if you are using v1.5. I want to finalize this app that's Y I'm delaying for next version. Also making the app to support the RC SP1. Thank you for your patience.

  17. Hi everyone, i'm used to create custom install from XP and now i'm playing with windows 7 and i have to say rt7lite is fantastic, but i have one problem, i googled and search inside the forum, but i couldnt find any clear answer for my question.

    my installation run well till the first logon when i cant create or login with any account, there is only two blanck fields the "user"and "password" and i would like to let the option to create an account when the windows is finishing the setup but only this the rest should be Unattended. my setting "Skip user OOBE" is disabled.

    this is my current autounattended:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!--This answer file generated by RT Seven Lite-->
    <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
    <settings pass="windowsPE">
    <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="NonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="NonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <MetaData wcm:action="add">
    <value>Windows 7 Enterprise</value>
    <settings pass="oobeSystem">
    <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="NonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <LocalAccounts />
    <TimeZone>W. Europe Standard Time</TimeZone>
    <settings pass="specialize">
    <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="NonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-Licensing-SLC-UX" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="NonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

    please any advice?

    Make the following as "False" in OOBE section


  18. Just tried out the new 1.5 build. Fantastic work Ben!

    One thing I noticed (even in previous builds), is that in the Integrations tab when you add applications for the PI Wizard, it saves it to the settings ini, but when loading the ini later, all applications are NOT shown. It's weird because when opening the ini file, it's definitely there.

    Also, do you think you could add a tab for customizing the Start Menu (see image below)? That would be sweet!

    I will try to add those things. Yeah I just found that.....if you also add silent switch then it will display the last session apps clearly. If you don't specify a silent switch then its not displaying.

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