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Posts posted by ccl0

  1. hmm well i did a search and found this link

    not sure if its the same thing or not, but system requirements are Windows XP etc... so not sure why it would have to be ported if it was a vista-only app..

    would have really been helpful if the op gave a description of what he actually released

  2. i did a search but didnt really find a satisfactory answer about this stuff.

    firstly, i'm making a visual style and i'm mainly using style builder.

    i was looking for a way to 'hide' that throbber/flag thing. does anyone happen to know how to get rid of the flag in the upper right corner using style builder? or if not, how might i go about doing it using reshacker? (i've never really used reshacker-type programs before so i dont know how difficult it would be)

    and also, does anyone know how to edit/add/remove/ and move certain parts of the tool bar when creating a new visual style?

    for example, i'd like it to look like this 42536958cc1.jpg (without the flag obviously)

    i've been trying to find some tutorials on how to do it, but havent found any. so currently i have to manually fix the menu bar AFTER i apply a visual style. but i would really like to make a visual style with those changes already implemented.

  3. hello, i would like to try this addon.. however, i was wondering if you could tell me if yours will also put the appropriate Firefox plugin files in their respective directories?

    I can't answer your question, but the time it has cost you to write your reaction, you could have created a silent, self-extracting package yourself for this application ;) By heart I believe /silent does the trick.

    umm no it couldnt. you dont know anything about me or what i had available at the time of asking that question. thats why i asked about it. but thanks for the sarcastic reply. wow, this is some welcome reception i've had here on this forum. i think i'll just keep to my regular forums where people actually are HELPFUL and not rude about simple questions i ask.

  4. someone has made an addon that does all of this link

    Thank you for the link, but I don't want to use any scripts others have written when I can do the same myself fine as well ;) I only use HFSLIP and RogueSpear's Microsoft .NET Framework packages, everything else is done by myself and I would like to keep it that way ;)

    well i didnt specifically post the link for you. i posted it for whoever might read the topic and want to try to implement this, but lacks the skill with how to do it.

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