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About Davey-W

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  1. Hi. As you may gather im a newbie, been using nlite for quite sometime, and im in the process of creating unattended CDs for friends and family using there XP CDs. Ive had a few requests, that i manged to overcome with the help of this excellent forum. "Geez you guys are good" But there is one request that has totally stumped me from my brother, i think i mentioned something similar in my first post, but didnt get the answer i was looking for, or maybe i didnt understand. Anyway here goes. Ive been asked to do a unattended CD, that once installed, he wants me to put all his software in a file, and place it in My Documents, this includes his drivers. So basically whenever he reformats, once XP PRO is installed he can access his software without hunting for the disks. Basically hes a messy sod, and hes forever loosing stuff. I then thought to myself, this would be a good way of preventing lost or scratched disks. When you reformat, time and again the disks come out accidents happen, only to find the next time the disk wont load, and your searching online to get a new driver or hoping your serial key will work on a downloaded software. Yes i can preinstall, convert to a addon, but he wants the software and drivers on a file he can access when he wants to. So to clarify in My Documents he wants the following. Software>>plus text files with the relevant serial key to each software he has. Drivers Plus a image file (iso file) as another backup with all the above in. Is this possible, or is it for the more experienced. Thanks , again great job with the forum.
  2. Thanks mate, but the apps i have i dont want them to be preinstalled to the OS itself i want to install them to a folder in My Documents or a folder in my C/Drive, for which i can install when and if i want to at a later date. If that makes sense.
  3. Fist of all Hi A great site you have here, have to confess ive been a lurker for 3 months, and finished my first unattended OS, with the help and direction of this forum. Took me 3 months with alot of trial and errors, and alot of erasing and reinstalling DVDRWs but i got there in the end and am very pleased with it. What i wanted to do was give my xp pro, a new look and be fully unattended with integrated addons, vista look, and with only having to select a fresh partition. This i have achieved, but i have my own personal APPs that i wanted to integrate into the OS,m either in My Documents or in my C/Drive, this i wasnt able to get my head around, or read wether this can be done. So what i ended up doing was, convert these apps into a iso file and place it in the OS in a folder called Applications, to wich i can run the disk again after installation and click on browse CD, and then drag it off and into my documents were i am then able to extract the iso and install, the apps when needed. But im thinking there must be a easier way, to integrate it in the OS, under my specified destination, without having to go through this process. Any thoughts greatly appreciated. Dave
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