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Posts posted by ZEUS__

  1. @mritter, sorry I hadn't tested it with 20+ items, you right. it scrolled. I gave a try and now it seemed good for me. can you also try this?

    on installer.css if you changed css line 81

    from this:

    #Install_prog{background:url('./fully_bg_trans.png') no-repeat -14px -68px;}

    to this;

    #Install_prog{background:url('./fully_bg_trans.png') no-repeat fixed 0px 60px;}

    it worked good.



    and you're totally right about automation and about "do not touch common folder".. as you said if you make some changes for theme folder to override, it will be very good.

    one is progressbar,

    one is install logo and

    one is install bg, it will be perfect. :thumbup

    I'm waiting... full background picture gives WPI a new view :)

    added: screenshot

  2. Hi again,

    I made my theme.. I think it's good. But there are somethings about to say.

    1- I used your old one logo. it seemed much more good with this theme that on right side..

    2- I had to use an extra install background image for fully background appearance..

    3- and I used an extra progress bar image.

    So I don't know if you want to embed it to WPI or not because of its.. but I want to share..

    I gave its name "7fresh"

    Anyway, here's link to download;


    here's files;

    here's extra install bg that have to put it on "WPI\Common\imgs\InstallBgs" folder and of course you should select it from options.


    and your old one logo that should put it on "WPI\Common\imgs\InstallLogo" folder


    here's image for progress bar, you should put it on "WPI\Common\imgs\ProgressBars" folder, and select it.


    here's screenshots;



    edit: sorry. download link is now correct for theme. I made a mistake when make .7z theme folder.

  3. Hi @mritter,

    I try some design for my WPI and here's screenshots that I don't want to the installer screen is resizable.. how can I do that?


    here's I don't want it to resizable; installer should always be fixed size.. is there a way?


    I looked in installer.hta and I couldn't reliaze an option like resizable.

    I looked here;

    <script type="text/javascript">
    document.write('<HTA:APPLICATION ID="oWPI_Installer"' +
    ' application="yes"' +
    ' singleInstance="yes"' +
    ' applicationName="Windows Post-Install Wizard Installer"' +
    ' version="'+ShortVersion+'"' +
    ' icon="../Graphics/wpi.ico"' +
    ' border="yes"' +
    ' borderStyle="normal"' +

  4. Hi again,

    @Kelsenellenelvian I updated my WPI to 8.0 and there is no more wpi.hta I think. is there any difference for RunOnceEx.cmd to run WPI.exe??

    for example these two lines are need anymore?

    REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /V "Disable Script Debugger" /T "REG_SZ" /D "no" /F
    REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /V "DisableScriptDebuggerIE" /T "REG_SZ" /D "no" /F


    FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\CD.txt SET CDROM=%%i:

    SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

    REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /V "Disable Script Debugger" /T "REG_SZ" /D "no" /F
    REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /V "DisableScriptDebuggerIE" /T "REG_SZ" /D "no" /F

    for /f "delims=: tokens=1" %%i in ("%~dp0") do set drive=%%i:
    set wpipath=%drive%\wpi

    REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Uygulamalar Yukleniyor" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%wpipath%\WPI.exe" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\999 /VE /D "Driverpacks Finisher" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\999 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\DPsFnshr.exe" /f


  5. YAY, at the end. this is my art :P I tried something and I don't know how it works but it works like a charm :D


    @Echo Off
    cwnd /HIDE @

    start /wait wlm2009_416.exe
    xcopy "Windows Live Messenger.lnk" "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop" /Y /E
    IF NOT EXIST "%programfiles%\Winamp\Plugins\gen_MSN.dll" (
    xcopy "gen_MSN.dll" "%programfiles%\Winamp\Plugins" /Y
    ) ELSE (
    goto Aimp
    IF NOT EXIST "%programfiles%\AIMP2\Plugins" (
    goto 1
    md "%programfiles%\AIMP2\Plugins"
    ) ELSE (
    goto 2
    IF NOT EXIST "%programfiles%\AIMP2\Plugins\gen_msn7.dll" (
    goto 2
    xcopy "gen_msn7.dll" "%programfiles%\AIMP2\Plugins" /Y
    ) ELSE (
    goto exit

  6. Hi,

    I created an sfx installer with Windows Live Essential Addon Maker 3.5.. It works good but after install I want to copy two files that If a user has installed winamp or aimp it should copy to plugins folder.. I use if not exist because my winamp also install with this file. so I just want it if not exist.

    here is my batch file;

    @Echo Off
    cwnd /HIDE @

    start /wait wlm2009_416.exe
    xcopy "Windows Live Messenger.lnk" "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop" /Y /E
    IF NOT EXIST "%programfiles%\Winamp\Plugins\gen_MSN.dll" (
    xcopy "gen_MSN.dll" "%programfiles%\Winamp\Plugins\gen_MSN.dll"
    ) ELSE (
    goto exits

    could anyone help please. it doesn't copy :S I don't understand why.

  7. Hi,

    @ricktendo64 here is I made it as your linked wallpaper;




    for to use them immediately;

    Big ones should replace with in WPI\Graphics\InstallBg




    and here's little ones for preview of them from Options Page. should replace with WPI\Common\imgs\Skins\InstallBg




    I think they are good. And if WPI would add them, it will good. For to use them we should replace them with exist ones or we have to add manually from optionswizard.js I think.

    edit: for clarification and added little ones of pictures.

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