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Posts posted by tagwar

  1. I've been trying many different scripts to add printers as a logon script, but this one actuall worked.

    Now I have one question.

    Where is it getting the printer drivers from?

    I've tested the script on a computer that DID NOT have the printer driver already installed, and it still mapped and printed a test page, so now im curious as to where it gets them from before i add the user scripts to my policy.


    can you explain what you did Exactly???

  2. Tripredacus is right, why do you have 2 scopes on a single segment? is there a reason you need to know the different IP's for the phones vs machines? if you truly wanted to segment data and voice, Vlans would be an option through your cisco swtiches using a DHCP relay agent to route your dhcp requests back to the correct Vlans.

    but the cisco switches is not supporting the voice lan

    whatever phoens is connected to this switches it dosn't get any signal.

    that why connect the voice to HP switches supporting POE systems.

  3. I understand about your two different types of devices on the network, but I am wondering what the reason for the two scopes is.

    i think i already answer this questions 2 time before

    1 scope for the DATA and the other for Voice

    i really need someone expert support or advice.


  4. If you have two scopes on the same network segment, there's no real way to segment the assignment short of using reservations. However, if you have two separate network segments used by these two scopes, you could put the DHCP server on it's own segment and use DHCP forwarders to do the job.

    However, if the DHCP server is on the same network segment as the machines you wish to segment, you will have to use DHCP reservations. The DHCP DORA process is UDP broadcast, and there's not really any way to keep certain machines on a certain scope in this configuration without MAC reservations.

    There are alternative processes, such as DHCP helpers. This type of function, I don't think, is included with Windows, but network management software (such as Altiris) can manage it. Say computers with "insert-variable-here" will receive IPs in this scope, and computers with "other-variable" will receive IPs from another scope. The variables could be DMI information (from the BIOS), computer name (trimmed) or any other bit of information that the computer can transmit. Or in an extreme case, use one scope for preliminary info and when the server determines what type of interface it is, will reassign an IP from one of the two other scopes.

    But perhaps a real question is, if both of these types of interfaces are on the same physical network, what is the true purpose of assigning them to different IP ranges?

    unlickly i don't have any managment software yet.

    i need something with in the windows envirment to do this if it's possible.

    the and the reason of diffrent IP range is as i said before

    one range for voicve and the other for data network.

  5. If you have two scopes on the same network segment, there's no real way to segment the assignment short of using reservations. However, if you have two separate network segments used by these two scopes, you could put the DHCP server on it's own segment and use DHCP forwarders to do the job.

    However, if the DHCP server is on the same network segment as the machines you wish to segment, you will have to use DHCP reservations. The DHCP DORA process is UDP broadcast, and there's not really any way to keep certain machines on a certain scope in this configuration without MAC reservations.

    can you please explain more in this point " use DHCP forwarders to do the job "

    both Scopes are in ther same physical network Data from the range of and the voice network from the range og

  6. Is this to say that your Data LAN scope services more than 255 clients? Either way, try setting your DHCP lease time to a lower than default setting. I have always used 3 hours. I think the default is 8 days, but not sure.

    of course my client PCs not more then 255

    and Voice Network also not more 255

    hardely i have 25 PCs and 30 phone

    but you think changing the lease time will solve the problem

    i am not sure from this????

    hope to get others opinions.

  7. Hi expert people

    I am back again with another issue.

    In my network I have DHCP server,

    this server is holding 2 scopes, One for the data LAN and the other is for the Voice LAN.

    But now the issue,

    Now the Data LAN start to take the IP address from the Voice scope.

    The question is

    Is there any way to enforce or to route this network to this scope only???

    I have Cisco switches for the Data LAN and HP with POE support.

    Does anybody have any ideas how this can be implemented?

    Thanks for every one in advance.

  8. But now another question,

    All the computers in the same container in the AD,

    How I can make different categories for each?

    For example I have servers and normal desktops and workstations.

    Is that possible to create for the servers different containers as the servers must be running all the time?

    Research WMI Filtering on group policies.

    i am sorry fo rhte delay in the answer.

    i will search on this soon

    thanks for everyone

  9. You could also consider forcing the use of a screensaver policy, and use a shutdown screensaver, or set it to run as a scheduled task at a specified time.

    This is a better solution.

    I already define the screen saver policy.

    I will see what i can do with this one.

    But now another question,

    All the computers in the same container in the AD,

    How I can make different categories for each?

    For example I have servers and normal desktops and workstations.

    Is that possible to create for the servers different containers as the servers must be running all the time?

    Thanks for everyone in advance.

  10. Shamelessly ripped from a google cached EE answer
    Have a list of computers? This will do it..

    For /f %%a in (C:\Computers.txt) do schtasks /s %%a /create /ru system /sc daily /st 20:00:00 /tn Shutdown /tr "shutdown -s -f -t 10"

    It'll loop through all systems setting up a scheduled task to shut them down at 8pm

    that will FORCE a shutdown at the time specified regardless of if the user is using the PC or not. making the PCs shutdown when idle is a little harder.

    this is little hard

    because employee have diffrent diffrent working time.

    so if i enforce shutdown at this time it will creat problem.

  11. Look closely. Computer Configuration > Wndows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignments > "Shut down the system"

    thanks boss for your answer.

    but you answer diffrent thing.

    what you give to me is who have the permission to shutdown the system.

    but i want like time counter or something enforce the PC shutdown after ideal team.

    i hope you got my idea.

    thanks again

  12. Hi experts

    I have a small question and I don’t know if it can be done from the Active Directory or not.

    Can I enforce Active Directory Members for power shut down?

    I found dozen of software but I don’t want third party application.

    Can anyone give any ideas how this can be implemented.

    If I have to do something from the local computes or I can create a policy or something like this.

    Thanks for everyone in advance.

  13. Hi expert people

    I have question

    I want to add IP printer to the active directory

    I am going to active directory users and computers and trying to add the printer

    But it ask me for network path like “\\server\share”

    I try to put printer IP address but it’s not accepting it

    Can anyone tell me what is the best way to add this printer to the domain

    The reason to add this printer to the domain is to make it the defult printer via login script

    the printer is accisable throw the network but i want to add it to the AD

    I hope to find the solution in your experience

  14. To prevent RunOnce from loading.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]

    Also posted in my Tips and Tricks - Who would have thought that after two years that Microsoft has not corrected this problem. I have updated scripts using several appliations and created a couple of executables for those who do not want to manually edit their registry.

    i had the same problem

    but this solve my problem now

    thank you very much

  15. This one may sound even sillier... but are you using a genuine Microsoft source? Did you use any non-MS hotifxes? Is it possible that there are non-MS files on your system that have been tampered with that disable your security settings?

    I know the possibility is very remote.

    i am using genuine windows and it's up to date from MS only i didn't install any other hotfix

    i really hope to find solution to this problem

  16. Ok, for testing purposes, go to the screen you show in your Feb 27 2008, 09:57 PM post.

    Go ahead and click DENY for deleting. It really is better to leave a box unchecked, I agree, but we're testing here.

    See if explicitly clicking Deny works at all. If it does not work, then something is wrong on the drive or its filesystem. The only time permissions won't work is if the filesystem is not NTFS, so this is very strange.

    if i check deny option it's working 100% fine :thumbup

    it deny everything :unsure:

    i can creat new folder in the drive but i can't rename it even :angry:

    by the way

    i format the system around week ago and still give me the same problem

    so i think it's something related to configeration.

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