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Everything posted by silver_silver

  1. System 2 ATA 100 Hard Drives 1 DVD Player 1 DVD Burner I use Ata 100 drives, I read one place that each drive should be on a seperate channel because you only access one channel at a time. So one channel would have hard drive master and DVD burner as slave, and second channel would have hard drive master and DVD player as slave. I also read that channel is only as fast as slowest device on channel so it is best to set up as one channel as Hard drive master, hard drive slave. The other channel would be DVD Burner master and DVD player slave. Which is right? What do I do?
  2. I have created an $OEM$ file inside of I386 and it is not being copied over to the hard drive on installation of XP. What i have is... I386\$OEM$\$1\install\applications What I understand is this should create a folder C:\install\applications Inside of applications I have all the programs I want to silent install and on my winnt.sif file under guirunonce I call out %systemdrive%\install\start.cmd It gives me an error because C:\install doesn't exist But if I copy the folder directly to C:\install and then execute start.cmd everything works fine. Any idea why $OEM$\$1\install is not being copied to the hard drive on installation?
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