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Everything posted by scyap

  1. thanks, i updated my uxtheme and my 3rd party themes are working sry for the late reply, power supply box blew up now i can turn on my desktop my going to NewTask>Browse>my computer and right clicking C:\ and keep selecting Explore MANY times until it poped-up typing 'explorer' doesnt work then i also disabled jusched from my startup (java) and sometimes during pc startup, desktop automatically appears !
  2. Desktop disappears and cant start after XP SP2 update? I was using Win XP SP 1 before that, had NO problems Now just updated to Xp Sp 2 and my computer started up without explorer/desktop (if u dont know what i mean, go to windows task manager's Processes Tab and terminate "explorer" so i used Alt+Ctrl+Del and used NewTask and tried to start explorer but nothing happens help me...... i still can run my application using NewTask, Browse is working too, but i cant get my desktop(explorer) started no matter how i try it also does not appear in the processes tab , can someone pls help me? my computer themes are also gone !!! its NOW using the windows classic/safe mode theme i used to use cuztomised themes dont tell me to remove SP2, i want it for many of my important applications to work
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