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Everything posted by shall

  1. shall

    User Focus

    When a Win7 machine boots up or otherwise gets to where you select a user to login the focus is already on a user. How can you change this so that the focus is on another user when the machine boots to this screen? Thanks, Steve
  2. I am trying to migrate printers from a Server 2000 SP4 server to a Server 2003 R2 SP2 machine running on an VMware ESXi box. I've disabled the "Disallow the installation of printers using kernel-mode driver" setting. Still, when I run printmig.exe 3.1 it tells me to turn off blocking and rerun printmig.exe. Any ideas? Many thanks to anyone who can help me here! Steve
  3. I have several databases made a couple of Access versions ago now upgraded and in use with Access 2003. There are fields in each where I paste pictures as embedded OLE objects. These pictures are created using Paint Shop Pro 6.1. All worked fine for years until the evening of September 28. At that point whenever I would try to paste a picture (always in .jpg format) I would get the following message: "The operation on the OLE object failed. The OLE server may not be registered. To register the OLE server, reinstall it". When I try a second time to paste a picture this message shows up: "A problem occured while Microsoft Office was communicating with the OLE server or Active X control. Close the OLE server and restart it outside of Microsoft Office Access. Then try the original operation again in Microsoft Office Access". I have done all of the following to no avail: Restart PSP 6.1 Restart Acess Restart my computer Register triedit.dll Register all the .dlls in the MSDesigners7 folder Disabled AV Repaired my Office install Reassociated all .jpg files and derivatives to PSP 6.1 Remove and reinstall of PSP 6.1 Remove and reinstall Office 2003 My next step would be repair or reinstall my OS (XP Pro) or upgrade to MS Office 2007; all of which I really don't want to do at this point. Any suggestions about what I should try instead? Thanks for any and all help, Steve
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