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  1. Update to the latest firmware, Done Check the settings regarding DHCP and lease times of IP-addresses. What does this mean? I tried unsuccessfully a while ago to make my network use a fixed ip address with the router, instead of using the standard auto assign address thing. I cant remember why now but it was over 6 months ago and this network shutting down thing has only been happening for a couple of months. Have i inadvertently turned something on that i shouldn't? I cant remember now what i did exactly but i remember that i couldn't get it to work so i just reverted back to what it was previously. In fact i actually remember now that i returned all settings back to default, even on the router so this DHCP thing must be a default setting. Is it more secure to run a fixed ip address with the router? If so how do i set it up so it actually works?
  2. There were no update notes on what had been updated and my router now has the most recent firmware and the network crashed again yesterday as i assumed it would since i have never had to reset the router, only the computer. This is because the network on my computer shuts down, not the connection to the router. Its as if the computer's network system/hardware stops working. It doesn't seem to matter if the network is busy or idle. it just randomly crashes! I discovered that this was something to do with the time updater! must just be a bad link or something I just changed to other updater site in the clock settings. Any other ideas?
  3. It just happened again, so i tried to remember what you all asked me to do before i restarted the system. First i tried to repair and this is what i got I tried pinging the router and it came up with the fact that it couldn't find it. I then searched the event viewer to try and work it out but i didn't understand what i fount which was this, This was from the system log, This was from the Security log, Does this help anyone know whats going on? I don't know what to do about it,
  4. Ok, I am running winXP service pack 2, i am running Comodo firewall pro, AVG Free (updated daily), AVG Antispyware. AVG Free runs scans daily at midnight and have found nothing, the last anti spyware scan came up with nothing serious, just usual cookies, I also run C Cleaner (which is updated regularly) every time i am finished surfing the net to get rid of all rubbish left behind. No i haven't read the changes to the updated nVidia drivers. I only ever have the minimum programs running since i play online games. Anything that runs in the background slows things down. I know this machine is pretty new but its a habit i have from when i had a POS pc. I wouldn't have thought the router would be the problem since i don't have to restart the router to get my connection back. My Router/modem is a Dynalink RTA 1335, 4 port hub / ADSL modem. My computer is the only one running on it at the moment. I rarely have 2 computers running on it and this one seems to be the only one having connection problems on it ever. I updated the firmware for the router a few months ago, they don't update it very often. What am i checking in the router configurations for exactly? Is this router provided by your ISP? No. Is it also your DSL modem or is that a separate part? Yes it is the modem too. Are other computers connected to this router as well? No. Do you connect to it with an ethernet cable or a wireless connection? it is a cable hub not a wireless one. Can you ping the router? I havent tried pinging the router when the network goes down, i will try next time it does. If you try to renew your IP address, does it give you an error? i have had an error several times when trying to reconnect but i cant remember what it is. What is the make and model of this router? Dynalink RTA 1335 What version of Windows are you using? i have windows home edition, 32 bit version even though the system is a 64 bit system. I checked updates an hour ago and there was nothing that had anything to do with the network. Only Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - September 2007 (KB890830) and Root Certificates Update.
  5. Hi I'm new here. I did a search but couldn't find anything relevant to this particular problem. My computer randomly and irregularly shuts down the network connection. I don't know why it does it and I don't understand, it makes no sense why it happens. I have an MSI K9N Neo motherboard, which runs on NVIDIA nForce 550 series chipset with an AMD AM2 socket dual core Athlon 64 x2 3800+ processor. I have all the latest genuine drivers for it. After running for a while I lose my connection to my ADSL router because of this network shut down and I can't repair the connection either. The only way I can fix the problem is to restart my computer. Please Help. This is so frustrating. If you need any more information i am willing to post it here but i don't know what you need to know to help me out here.
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