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  1. Silent was made by adding the .msp file to the updates directory.
  2. I do not see a spot to add the /noreboot command to it. I have even tried telling it to use the config.xml file along with the .msp file and it still reboots.
  3. Hello, I am having an issue with installing/upgrading Office 2007. I currently have it completely silent through the .msp file in the updates directory, but my issue is when I push the software out with our deployment software to a machine with Windows XP and office 2003 already installed; the machine will just automatically reboot when the install is done. The company I work for is about to begin an upgrade of all our users to 2k7 in the next few weeks, but we cannot have these machines just rebooting by themselves. Has anyone encountered this before? If so, how did you resolve it?
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