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    Iran, Islamic Republic Of

About ghaffar

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    XP Pro x86

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  1. Thanks a lot for your great work iuli
  2. Thank you very much Adel I installed some softwares successfully for testing
  3. Thank you for the upgrade WPI guide I think step 2 in the first post should be updated from "2.From your old WPI folder, copy config.js, useroptions.js, networkoptions.js and windowoptions.js from WPIScripts to the new WPIScripts folder." to "2.From your old WPI folder, copy config.js, useroptions.js, networkoptions.js and windowoptions.js from WPIScripts or UserFiles to the new UserFiles folder." because user configurations are in "UserFiles" folder in new WPI versions. Am I right?
  4. Thanks a lot for this update.
  5. Thank you for the new release 8.2.0. I have updated WPI 8.1.0 to 8.2.0. When I add some new programs from CONFIG, and then I try to find a silent switch using the magnifier icon at the right side of the window, I got different errors. The errors are depending on the kind of setup packages which I mentioned on attached images. I tested four different packages which I added in previous versions of WPI without any error messages. USS-Error-01 is for RAR SIlent packages which I made for installing firefox. USS-Error-02 is for MSI setup package which I used before for installing ESET Smart Security. USS-Error-03 is for Inno setup packages. USS-Error-04 error occurs when I have added two commands instead of one command at a time. I hope to see an error which tells me my mistake but it says: Could not open TEMP directory. I use Windows XP SP3 X86 and IE 7.0.5730.11 Anyone else has these errors when adding new programs?
  6. Thank you very much for your new release. Also I'm very sorry that I can not donate this project in spite of my willing because I live in Iran and we are under sanctions for using internet banking and other ways of helping. WPI saves a lot of my time, energy and money; many many thanks from Iran.
  7. Hi again 'Njom4u' I use the above commands and they work fine. Here is a screen shot of my commands which I use to delete the shortcuts from the desktop. Something is wrong in your commands, may be you don't use " mark at the beginning and at the end of the commands when the shortcut names have space between the words. Post your commands here or attach a screen shot of your commands. It may help more.
  8. In Config Window --> Commands Tab Go to Dos --> Delete Now you can write the addres & the name of the shortcut after the Delete Command. These examples may help you. The first one is for deleting the shortcut from all users profiles and the next one is for the current user profile. {DELETE} "%allusersprofile%\Desktop\\Play StoneLoops.lnk" {DELETE} " %userprofile%\Desktop\\Play StoneLoops.lnk"
  9. I'm very sorry. Accept my sympathy,Kel.
  10. Hi 'stylishqadir' , You can use NLite http://www.nliteos.com/ to modify windows xp and of course you can change many things in windows xp including adding your name and company.
  11. You can use AutoIt to do so. http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/index.shtml
  12. You can find help about config.xml for Office 2007 here: Config.xml file in the 2007 Office system *Edit: You can download the file OFFICE14_distribuable.rar Updated for Office 2007 Enterprise. And all the files you need are inside Office 2007 Enterprise Fist you need to install 7zip on your computer! Check if the folder EnterpriseWW.msi is correct because I haven't this version of Office! I don't know how to thank you "myselfidem" I try to make my SFX by helping your nice & complete answer.
  13. Thank you myselfidem I didn't know how to make my silent installer so I used a ready package. I install windows XP and some softwares including office 2007 in an unattended process. This is the command which is in office.rar package file: Setup=install.cmd TempMode Silent=2 Overwrite=1 And the config file which exists in Enterprise.WW folder when I extract the package is like this: - <Configuration Product="Enterprise"> - <!-- <Display Level="full" CompletionNotice="yes" SuppressModal="no" AcceptEula="no" /> --> - <!-- <Logging Type="standard" Path="%temp%" Template="Microsoft Office Enterprise Setup(*).txt" /> --> - <!-- <PIDKEY Value="***********************************" /> --> - <!-- <USERNAME Value="Customer" /> --> - <!-- <COMPANYNAME Value="MyCompany" /> --> - <!-- <INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office" /> --> - <!-- <LIS CACHEACTION="CacheOnly" /> --> - <!-- <SOURCELIST Value="\\server1\share\Office12;\\server2\share\Office12" /> --> - <!-- <DistributionPoint Location="\\server\share\Office12" /> --> - <!-- <OptionState Id="OptionID" State="absent" Children="force" /> --> - <!-- <Setting Id="Reboot" Value="IfNeeded" /> --> - <!-- <Command Path="msiexec.exe" Args="/i \\server\share\my.msi" QuietArg="/q" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" /> --> </Configuration> Also there are two batch files in the root of the folder 1.install.cmd @echo off title Installing office '07 echo please be patient as this could take every long... echo. echo starting installer... start /wait setup.exe and 2.sdsd.cmd start setup.exe /admin P.S: Sorry for double posting, when I found out that office causes the error, I thought it was a new subject related to Office 2007
  14. Thank you very much "mritter" for your nice and complete explanation and cause of the error. P.S: I didn't have this error and everything was OK before using WPI 8.0.3.
  15. I don't know exactly whether it is a bug or not. As I said HERE At last I knew that Office 2007 Silent Install makes 'Null' is null or not an object Error. But when I install Office 2007 Silent Install in a separate installation process after or before my other programs, then there is no error. I don't know what the reason is and how I can solve this problem. Is it really a bug or something else causes the error?
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