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Everything posted by dfastoop

  1. Hi gang, just thought I'd let you know what fixed this problem for me. It is really simple when you think of it. Go to Start-control panel-internet and network connections-network connections; there you'll see your network connection that is "LIMITED OR NO CONNECTIVITY" Right click on it, click properties then you see the network card and the TCP/IP window. Click configure for the network card. The will be a tab named Advanced, click on it. There will be a long list of settings you can change, find the one for Link speed and duplex. It should be in auto detect. Put it on 10Mbits/s full duplex and Voila. You should be set. The network card icon on the task bar should change to unplugged wire and change back to recieving IP adress real fast and it WILL find it and you'll be connected. Hope this helps. BTW, I've tried everything this in this post and NOTHING fixed it until I changed the speed setting.
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