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Posts posted by rick456

  1. Hi John, I've attached 2 lastsession.ini's, one before downloading latest SP3 and using nlite to integrate and the other after.

    NOTE: that after SP# intergrated it downgraded my Media Center version to 2.8, from 3.0. Does this mean it downgraded my MCE2005 to MCE2004 ?

    Look at this; others have had the same problem, hope it helps


    Thanks John,

    It helped confirm that slipstreaming SP3 (either manually, or using nlite), basically breaks MCE2005; -which is too bad.

    However, along with the steps mentioned in http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/, a "batch" file to install SP3 after,... DOES work fine.

    -so basically the info and helpful hints mentioned on this n' other past threads/forums as well confirms this for now. -unless I missed somethin' ?

    ahh well, either M$ fixes it eventually, or they'll just want you to buy Windows7 eventually ? - and we all know 'dat answer.


    -thx all for the advice n' replies.

  2. the txtsetup.sif file in my nlite modified "c:\mce2005\i386" is still showing the original labels such as %cd2name% -> \cmpnents (for 2nd CD)

    but obvisouly it can't find the 2nd disc now to install them.

    I remembered something similar would happen to me when I created an MCE unattended... correct me, anybody, if I'm wrong - open 'txtsetup.sif' and locate all the entries pertaining to '%cd2name%' and rename to %cd1name%. The actual MC component should install now, give it a try, nothing to lose.

    Hi phatphunky,

    Here's my gear:

    Asus M2NPV-VM (with onboard nvidia nforce 430 and geforce 6150 graphics ....)

    ok maybe this is hardware dependent lately, or I owe you-"phatphunky" a sincere apology, but here is what I did so far:

    1st: cd1 + cd2 into c:\mce2005

    2nd: edit c:\mce2005\i386\txtsetup.sif

    3rd: replace every cd2name with cdname; replace every cd2tagfile with cdtagfile everyehere. (mmmm seems to work now)

    4th: run "nlite" and point it to c:\mce2005 ... select "Unattended" and "create bootable .iso" from the nlite menu

    NOTE: (no SP3 at this point)

    5th: boom baby so far so good.

    everything seems to work GREAT! so far, I now have all my component options including the Media Center (Green Button)...


    now for SP3 Integration...we'll see ?

    -anyway, lets keep this sukker goin' in case some people actually still use MCE2005 ;)


  3. rick456, please attach (not paste) your Last Session.ini. Make sure to always start with a fresh copy of your CD files/folders, do all your work in one nLite session and integrate only one SP. Please report when you have a solution, so others can benefit. Enjoy, John.

    Hi John, I've attached 2 lastsession.ini's, one before downloading latest SP3 and using nlite to integrate and the other after.

    NOTE: that after SP# intergrated it downgraded my Media Center version to 2.8, from 3.0. Does this mean it downgraded my MCE2005 to MCE2004 ?



  4. Yes, I had also tried in the past replacing all the pertinent "cd2..." labels to "cd..." in the txtsetup.sif file but the install complained horribly about other missing files...?

    This puppy is more than meets the eye for me anyway.

    Another thing is "...The short answer is that MCE2005 and SP3 do not mix. Microsoft should stop pushing the "update" to MCE users...."

    according to http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums...34-15f3d5a0474a


    so far, nlite does NOT fully integrate MCE2005 CD's into one. -don't get me wrong its definitely not nlite's fault at all.

    This is M$ droppin' the ball on yet another of its OS's.

    So My only gentle question now is :

    "...so I guess NO ONE has really and successfully combined (original/retail/oem) MCE2005 CD1 + CD2 -> DVD,? - with "EXACTLY" the same stuff as if it was installed using your 2 MCE2005 discs. ???"

  5. rick456, there are a number of posts about MCE here. Recently a poster reported that if you use nLite to copy your CD, after copying the first it will request the second. It is more or less automatic. You can give this a try or search these forums for the post. Enjoy, John.

    Hi John...

    thanks for the reply, and yes the latest nlite did just that, CD1 + CD2 including the CD2's cmpments ...into in my c:\mce2005

    -then I selected only "Unattended" and create bootable .iso dvd image portions of nlite.

    - unfortunately now there is no Media centre components installed (no Green Button!). ???

    -the txtsetup.sif file in my nlite modified "c:\mce2005\i386" is still showing the original labels such as %cd2name% -> \cmpnents (for 2nd CD)

    but obvisouly it can't find the 2nd disc now to install them. ?

    This what I was originally stating above. anywehere u look, its convoluted advice... no straight up way.

    anyway Basically, the whole thing ended up a WinXP Pro with SP3.

    You'd think those dimwits@micrsoft would just provide some straightforward instructions for "CD1 + CD2 = DVD" ?

    ;) -unless your bestbuy and needed to deploy 1000'$$$ of units.

    I'll keep plugging at it though since nlite has been able make it unattended with SP3 so its definitely getting there slowly.

    -thx again.

  6. Hello,

    and thankyou for "nlite".

    I have had great success using it in the past, to make my automated (with keys and driver .inf files) WinXP-Pro dvd.

    However, I recently purchased an original (2-Disc) MCE 2005.

    This version from Microsoft has its own original "key" including WinXP Pro (with SP2). I do NOT need WinXP pre-installed on my existing PC before I use this.

    As you may well know, MCE2005 is basically just WinXP-Pro with the Media Center Edition and stuff for Tablet PC's...

    Unfortunately, I have read conflicting advice on how to copy both CD's to a spare directory so as to properly use "nlite" afterwards to create the .iso image. ?

    For example, some forums have said you have to pre-edit the %cd2name% entries in winnt.sif...? Others have said don't edit those files 'cause nlite would handle this....?

    I apologize for this confusion.

    Of course, eventually by using nlite, I would just like to incorprate both of these MCE2005 disc's, (including the key, and their respective driver's .inf files) into one automated DVD install.

    Also, I'm not too worried about incorporating any "hotfixes", or any tweaks,.... for now, unless of course some are required.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't mind burnin' a few dvd coasters ;)

    I'm just hoping you or someone might have already successfully

    created an automated MCE2005 dvd using "nlite".

    again, mucho thanks for nlite !



  7. Thanks Martin, for your well explained and helpful guide(s)/site, please keep it up.

    And, not to be too off-topic but, I tried to use your "http://firegeier.unattended-sponsor.de/en/inject_drivers_into_image.html" but my problem seemed to be rooted in the "boot.wim".

    I had that annoying "...CD/DVD required device drivers is missing..." very early on in the Phase1 install ?

    But this led me to look a little deeper and I found

    http://apcmag.com/5436/customise_windows_pe_2_0, which with a bit of your guide fixed my initial unattended driver-injection booting problem.

    ok, bear with me here, but a lot of people have had this kinda problem too, and I've posted this tip elswhere, maybe you could brush it up and add it to your guide collection as "inject drivers into boot.wim using PETools"?

    Also, If I followed something wrong in your guide/site, believe me -I RTFM'd it, then just yell at me, - its ok,

    but in the meantime I'd like to share my "boot.wim" FIX with

    ya'll. maybe it could be of use to some users who need to apply this before they can get into the fully-unattended tips in your guide(s). ?



    for that "...CD/DVD required device drivers are missing..." on my Vista 64 new install.

    -the web-links mentioned here provide a very good understanding, for me anyway, for

    dealing with any automated Vista installs.-and many thanks to those Authors.

    I went into some over-detail here, but hey, step-by-step feedback is good,

    especially when it includes corrections.

    I think, during the very early install phases of a PASS1, the "boot.wim" a mini-Vista boot image

    is loaded with a bare skeloton of drivers into a virtual-memory-CD-Drive,

    (very similar to "md" Memory Devices used in unix).

    This however, is just enough to begin installing the big PASS2(nonWinPE) "install.wim" Vista image

    onto your HD via your DVD-drive.

    -But, if for instance, the virtual mini-Vista image(boot.wim) can't load the

    "...required CD/DVD device drivers..."

    for example, the newer SATA DVD-Drive/controller(s), then it needs to find them via

    a loadable floppy, USB-flash drive,...which is where You come in -compliments of Microsoft.

    So, to permanently fix this you basically "mount" your copied ...\sources\boot.wim,

    inject the required drivers (.inf files), unmount it, and then "re-image" your

    new (OEM) DVD master on a blank DVD.

    -and here's the "General" HowTo driver-injection article I found (for Vista 32), and early Workstation deployments,

    which worked for me.



    Here's my Hardware/OS:

    -Microsoft Vista Ultimate 64-bit OS(purchased separately (brand new & legit), so as to Install "fresh" on my:

    -Asus P5B-Premium Vista Edition motherbard; (no its not a joke, the board is actually called Vista Edition)

    (with the onboard Intel ICH8R SATA controllers,.. and a Jmicron JMB363 PATA/SATA controller)

    -Intel Quad-core CPU

    -(2) Raptors striped across the ICH8R Sata controllers

    -(1) Pioneer "SATA" DVR-212D DVD/CD on the Jmb363 sata controller(AHCI mode in BIOS).



    (my steps below are all for an "Ultimate Vista 64-bit" unattended driver injection,

    Vista 32 will be slightly different $PATHS, however the info-link mentioned in

    http://apcmag.com/5436/customise_windows_pe_2_0 is for Vista 32, and is a good quick-reference guide

    for modifying Vista "boot.wim" image files)

    Important! -> You will need your (OEM) DVD, and the Windows "WAIK" installed from:


    -its a 998 Meg (mini)Vista DVD image file download, which you'll burn on a blank DVD and install it.

    -Included with it though, is both the:

    "Windows System Image Manager"-WSIM app- (which is primarily used for modifying ...\sources\install.wim image files).


    "Windows PE Tools Command Prompt" -PETools app- (which is primarily used for modifying ...\sources\boot.wim image files).

    You'll only needed the PETools part of WAIK for this scenario.

    Here's the steps I used:

    1./ copy entire (OEM) DVD to D:\DVD, and make a couple sub-folders under D:\DVD

    named "Drivers" and "Mount".

    2./ In my case, I copied just the required (Intel and Jmicron)SATA contoller driver files to D:\DVD\Drivers

    (*.inf/cat/sys files - but no exe's) any not-needed-for-booting drivers can may have go into "install.wim" later.

    3./ Share D:\DVD with "full-control" permissions for yourself/Admin.

    4./ if you have Vista 32 -skip to step 5./, otherwise, open an Administrator command shell

    from "Start" -> "run" type cmd but instead of hitting "Enter"-key, hit the "Ctrl-Shift-Enter"

    SETX Imgx "%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64" -m

    5./ from your "Start" -> Programs" -> "Microsoft Windows AIK" -Run as Admin the

    "Windows PE Tools Command Prompt" shell.


    (cd C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64)

    imagex /mountrw D:\DVD\sources\boot.wim 2 D:\DVD\Mount

    (cd C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools)

    peimg /inf=D:\DVD\Drivers\*.inf /image=D:\DVD\Mount

    (cd C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64)

    imagex /unmount /commit D:\DVD\Mount

    (cd C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools)

    oscdimg -n -m -b"%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\amd64\boot\etfsboot.com" D:\DVD D:\Vista64.iso

    7./ thats it, burn that .iso onto a DVD blank with your favourite 3rd-party app.

    note1: (the cd ... in brackets are there for brevity, although the PETools command shell actually

    adds those $PATHS to your environment automatically, depending if you've got x86(32-bit), or amd64(64-bit)

    -also since I just don't fully trust Microsoft automatically anymore, I prefer to "cd" around.

    note2: in Step 6./ the "-m" switch in the oscdimg command seems to be an undocumented switch, however

    it is required to create the DVD image size properly.

    also see


    -very well explained site on unattended Vista installs in general


  8. So here's my "Ultimate" fix -pardon the pun :) for that

    "...CD/DVD required device drivers are missing..." on my Vista 64 new installs

    -the web-links mentioned here provide a very good understanding, for me anyway, for

    dealing with any automated Vista installs.-and many thanks to those Authors.

    I went into some over-detail here, but hey, step-by-step feedback is good,

    especially when it includes corrections.

    I think, during the very early install phases of a PASS1, the "boot.wim" a mini-Vista boot image

    is loaded with a bare skeloton of drivers into a virtual-memory-CD-Drive,

    (very similar to "md" Memory Devices used in unix).

    This however, is just enough to begin installing the big PASS2 "install.wim" Vista image

    onto your HD via your DVD-drive.

    -But, if for instance, the virtual mini-Vista image(boot.wim) can't load the

    "...required CD/DVD device drivers..."

    for example, the newer SATA DVD-Drive/controller(s), then it needs to find them via

    a loadable floppy, USB-flash drive,...which is where You come in -compliments of Microsoft.

    So, to permanently fix this you basically "mount" your copied ...\sources\boot.wim,

    inject the required drivers (.inf files), unmount it, and then "re-image" your

    new (OEM) DVD master on a blank DVD.

    -and here's the "General" HowTo driver-injection article I found (for Vista 32), and early Workstation deployments, works for me.



    Here's my hardware/OS:

    -Microsoft Vista Ultimate 64-bit OS(purchased separately (brand new & legit), so as to Install "fresh" on my:

    -Asus P5B-Premium Vista Edition motherbard; (no its not a joke, the board is actually called Vista Edition)

    (with the onboard Intel ICH8R SATA controllers,.. and a Jmicron JMB363 PATA/SATA controller)

    -Intel Quad-core CPU

    -(2) Raptors striped across the ICH8R Sata controllers

    -(1) Pioneer "SATA" DVR-212D DVD/CD on the Jmb363 sata controller(AHCI mode in BIOS).



    (my steps below are all for an "Ultimate Vista 64-bit" unattended driver injection,

    Vista 32 will be slightly different $PATHS, however the info-link mentioned in

    http://apcmag.com/5436/customise_windows_pe_2_0 is for Vista 32, and is a good quick-reference guide

    for modifying Vista "boot.wim" image files

    Important! -> You will need your (OEM) DVD, and the Windows "WAIK" installed from:


    -its a 998 Meg (mini)Vista DVD image file download, which you'll burn on a blank DVD and install it.

    -Included with it though, is both the:

    "Windows System Image Manager"-WSIM app- (which is primarily used for modifying ...\sources\install.wim image files).


    "Windows PE Tools Command Prompt" -PETools app- (which is primarily used for modifying ...\sources\boot.wim image files).

    In my case, I only needed the PETools part of WAIK.

    Here's the steps I used:

    1./ copy entire (OEM) DVD to D:\DVD, and make a couple sub-folders under D:\DVD

    named "Drivers" and "Mount".

    2./ In my case, I copied all the required (Intel and Jmicron)SATA contoller driver files to D:\DVD\Drivers

    (*.inf/cat/sys files - but no exe's)

    3./ Share D:\DVD with "full-control" permissions for yourself/Admin.

    4./ if you have Vista 32 -skip to step 5./, otherwise, open an Administrator command shell

    from "Start" -> "run" type cmd but instead of hitting "Enter"-key, hit the "Ctrl-Shift-Enter"

    SETX Imgx "%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64" -m

    5./ from your "Start" -> Programs" -> "Microsoft Windows AIK" -Run as Admin the

    "Windows PE Tools Command Prompt" shell.


    (cd C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64)

    imagex /mountrw D:\DVD\sources\boot.wim 2 D:\DVD\Mount

    (cd C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools)

    peimg /inf=D:\DVD\Drivers\*.inf /image=D:\DVD\Mount

    (cd C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64)

    imagex /unmount /commit D:\DVD\Mount

    (cd C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools)

    oscdimg -n -m -b"%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\amd64\boot\etfsboot.com" D:\DVD D:\Vista64.iso

    6./ thats it, burn that .iso onto a DVD blank with your favourite 3rd-party app.

    note1: (the cd ... in brackets are there for brevity, although the PETools command shell actually

    adds those $PATHS to your environment automatically, depending if you've got x86(32-bit), or amd64(64-bit)

    -also since I just don't fully trust Microsoft automatically anymore, I prefer to "cd" around.

    note2: in Step 5./ the "-m" switch in the oscdimg command seems to be an undocumented switch, however

    it is required to create the DVD image size properly.

    also see


    -very well explained site on unattended Vista installs in general.

  9. I use ICH9R in RAID Mode and Vista doesn't need any additional drivers to install on the RAID Disk.ICH9R and ICH8R are using the same Driver so this should not be the problem. I have a Gigabyte P35-DQ6 Board my DVD-Drive is also connected to a JMicron(Jmb363) PATA and Vista Installs without any Problem. Try to set 'JMicron SATA Controller Mode' to 'IDE' in the BIOS of your Board.

    ahh ok,

    thanks guys for the help thus far

    -I have a "SATA" DVD drive, i'll try the Bios thingy you suggested, and if that dont work then i have an "IDE" DVD drive that I'll connect to the Jmicron PATA controller port and see if that works (gotta buy an IDE DVD drive first though :)

    thanks again.


    and here is my hardware quote for today:

    "SATA is just cheap SCSI -just ask Sun Microsystems or Apple Computers"

  10. Aa no, vLite still doesn't support textmode (boot) driver integration.

    You can integrate them and they will be installed but only during setup, not before to bypass that boot message.

    I have ICH8 and it is supported by the Vista by default, I presume you have some Asus board.

    Also use DVD RW or virtual machines for testing.

    Hi, thanks for reply

    -and yes my MoBo is;

    Asus P5B Premium Vista Edition

    (1) SATA DVD (Pioneer dvr-212D) -> connected to JMicron(Jmb363) Sata/Pata port (this is likely the only driver it needs to get going)

    (2) SATA 74G HD Raptors (Raid0)striped across the Intel ICH8R (1st two sata ports)

    (1) SATA HD on a spare Intel ICH8R sata port

    Audio-> AD1988B HD audio chipset

    (2) onboard G-bit Marvell Lan's

    -I know that it needs the Jmicron drivers because when it boots (using the Vista64 Install DVD) it loads

    the initial setup files into a virtual Disk, ... I can then simply browse to any floppy, usb drive,... and load the driver it needs.

    I can't however use the DVD drive since it doesn't really see it at this point, when I browse it just shows up as

    a virtual "Boot(X)" read-only drive.

    -The Jmicron sata/pata controller as you may know was thrown onto those and many other boards 'cause the

    Intel ich8r Sata controller didn't have PATA for IDE. However the initial install problem regarding ,"...CD/DVD device driver missing...", seems to be with Vista 64 Install DVD's -it don't matter what DVD drive IDE/sata you have? -once it gets those drivers be it from floppy, or USB flash drive,... it installs perfectly by default, as well as finding everything I got on that board.

    What gets me (and obviously many others) is why does it even ask for any CD/DVD device drivers when it has already booted up from the same DVD drive ? --weird.

    -hence the below



    "You can integrate them and they will be installed but only during setup, not before to bypass that boot message."

    -so, if i understand right, when I did integrate those drivers with vLite it did work, its just that its not until later in the installation setup that it can apply them ?

    If that is so, then why is it, when I copy those *.inf drivers to a floppy or usb stick, that it loads all the initial drivers it needs and works fine?


  11. Please Help:

    Hi all,

    -so my "first" several DVD-beer coaster attempts at using vLite are to no avail

    :) -sorry.ok well this is a noob question/problem.

    so I just got

    Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit English 3pk DSP 3

    6.0.6000.16386 (according to vLite ver. 1.1 Beta)


    -all i want(at this point) is "integrate" ICH8R, JMicron, and ACPI 64-bit drivers so that

    we all can get rid of that Vista64 error message "...CD/DVD device drivers are missng...please install"


    -1st I copied all drivers to a floopy (to test) and evrything worked, no probs...

    also, creating and burning a bootable iso image of my original (fre$hly bought)Vista64-DVD using ImgBurn or vLite was no probs.

    -but of course, when I "integrate" those drivers within vlite, the GUI (no detailed log outputs to go by)

    of coursejust says all is ok, until I try to use the new vlite DVD.

    -...it just spews the above error message during a new install ?

    but within the "already integrated drivers" window they're all there.

    "Apply" it again?

    -final iso shows up as iso9660(bootable)/Joliet ?; shouldn't this be iso9660(bootable)/mode1/UDF ? since its a DVD.

    -also, the "Always enable ISO page" in the help docs is not in my options?

    I tried "Apply" changes on everything I did and for every option(s) and action(s) it seems ?

    Im using vLite Beta 1.1, which should be fine right ?

    been searching this forum but cant find anything that really helps


    ->i'm obviously quite lost at this point, can anyone click me in the right direction?

    thanx ahead for any helpful info


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