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Posts posted by blunden

  1. I had a similar problem a while ago. That time it was setting the install drive letter to something other than "C:" in Vista 64. An answer file solved the problem that time. However, it seems Vista uses different tools for making unattended installs which means I have to ask you guys again. Is there any way to specify what dirve letter you want the OS partition to have when installing XP 64?

    Your help is much appreciated. :D

  2. In my experience, several SATA optical drives, no drivers were needed to load and complete windows xp setup. I believe this is because the motherboards are emulating SATA as IDE.
    Well, they also work fine connected to controllers running in AHCI mode for me. I have only tried a Vista install from it yet though.
  3. How should I know the Disk and Partition ID's? I get the feeling they may very well change compared to what XP calls them. :( Until knowing this, and my other questions, I can't complete my Vista install. :(

    EDIT: I got it all to work now. I had to rename the file to Autounattended.xml though for it to be found by the setup. The Partition and Disk ID's were exactly like in Disk Management in XP. Just in case anyone was wondering about that. :)

  4. Can it be set to not do anything but change the letter, ie. still let me select the partition to install on? The settings seems to be for selecting the partition to install on too. It would feel a bit safer to select the partition yourself the first time. :) Also, I don't know what DiskID and PartitionID my specific partition is. In Diskmanager (or whatever it's called in the english version of XP) the disk is called "Disk 2", which I guess is the same as the DiskID but the number for the partition is not listed.

    EDIT: Would leaving them blank do just that? (I ask all these questions before trying it out, in the hopes that you are still there, since Microsoft's download server crapped out on me and for some reason only let's me download the files in 40kb/s instead of the usual 3000-3500kb/s. :( It meant I had to ask a friend to download them and then upload to me.)

    EDIT 2: Should I select "Modify" as the action to both Disk and ModifyPartition?

  5. Pass=Windows PE







    You should be able to select any drive letter.

    Nice. :D However, I'm not yet very experianced in unattended installs. What should I search for to understand what to do with that? :blushing: Is it just something that should be a part of a batch script somewhere? Your help is much appreciated. :D

    EDIT: I was reading a Microsoft Guide (http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsVista...3.mspx?mfr=true) but I was wondering what parts of it I can skip since a lot of it is aimed specifically on making a complete image.

  6. This is what I asked in my previous post.

    I thought about installing Vista Business 64-bit. However, since I read that the installer can't be started from a 32-bit version of Windows, how do I preserve the drive letters I have in my XP install? I have several reasons for wanting them to be exactly the same. This wouldn't be that much of a problem if Vista didn't change all drive letters including the one for the OS partition. Being able to set the Vista install partition to E: would be good enough for me, as then I can change letters for all the other drives. Is this possible?

    Summary: I want my partitions to have the same drive letters in Vista as they do in my XP install. The problem is the system partition.

    Since this seems to be impossible, is there a way to set the standard drive letter (C:) that vista chooses for the partition you install it on to (E:) by some unattended tweaks or something else?

  7. I thought about installing Vista Business 64-bit. However, since I read that the installer can't be started from a 32-bit version of Windows, how do I preserve the drive letters I have in my XP install? I have several reasons for wanting them to be exactly the same. This wouldn't be that much of a problem if Vista didn't change all drive letters including the one for the OS partition. Being able to set the Vista install partition to E: would be good enough for me, as then I can change letters for all the other drives. Is this possible?

  8. Everything seems to be fine.

    1. Don't warry about the "iaStor_ICH8R" within the [Drivers] section of the Last Session.ini file. The correct name is "iaStor_ICH8R/ICH9R", but the last digits were cut. Yes, the ICH8R and ICH9R Controllers are using the same drivers. nLite has copied all files (even the not needed ones) of the Intel SATARAID driver package I had uploaded for you.

    2. The last line is ok too. nLite has copied the entire content of the Intel INF driver folder "All", that means all files, into your bootable XP CD. The 5000XZVP.inf file obviously was the one you pointed to.

    3. If you want to integrate the TCP/IP patch, you should disable the SFC.

    1. Great. I guessed that was the case since it said something like that in one of the inf-files.

    2. I didn't point it to any specific inf, I just used the "import driver folder" option. I guess the 5000XZVP.inf was the first one it found though.

    3. Ok. Will remove the patch then. I don't really need it anyway.

  9. I just looked in the Last Session.ini file. In there is says the following with the paths censored:





    I don't know if the first and last lines are correct. Is the ICH8R using the same driver as the ICH9R? I just selected to integrate the entire folder with the extracted SATA-drivers you gave me. Though I don't see any mention of iastor.inf. Do I need to integrate them separately?

    For the last one, being the INF driver I copied the extracted drivers in the temp folder while the installer was running as there were no way of extracting them, just like the SATA ones. I just added that entire folder without removing the chipsets I didn't use. Is the last line saying it only integrated the 5000XZVP-driver or did it integrate all of them?

    EDIT: Will applying the TCP-IP-patch mess with SFC?

  10. Thanks a lot. However, Winrar can't extract the contents of the Storage driver and the setup doesn't unpack the correct files to temp dir when running it seems. How should I obtain them?
    Within the linked Intel page with the Matrix Storage Manager you will find a 32bit and a 64bit Floppy Configuration Utility, but I am not sure if you can use them without a floppy drive.

    To make it easier for you I have unzipped, repacked and uploaded the needed S-ATA driver folders ready for the integration:



    Great. Thanks. Yeah, I tried the Floppy utility too, but it wouldn't even run so I guess it needed a floppy.
  11. I'm going to install XP 32 bit as well as Vista 64 bit on my new system in a few weeks. I realised that since I'm not using any IDE-drives and I have no floppy in my appartment, I would need to integrate the drivers on the XP CD. It's a P35 board with the ICH9 south bridge. What files should I integrate with nLite? Anything specific that needs to be done?

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