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Posts posted by Cti

  1. Here is another tip for you, this drove me nuts, I literally worked non stop for a couple days trying to figure it out.

    If you disable or run the printer service on manual, installing BT you will get rpc server unavailable, this will stop your installation if you want it to be unattended, I run mine on automatic and then you can use the registry to disable after BT has been installed

  2. This update is not intended for use with your computer model.

    This is probably because of the model.txt check. I have a Sony UX and if you download drivers from say a UX280P and your model is UX390N( drivers from Sony Support ) the drivers will fail and give you that extract message. Go look in C:\Windows for a "model.txt" also for it to show up a driver would have to fail.

    I have just extracted Sony's executables, this way you can get the original files and scrap the model check.

    EDIT: In Windows XP and Vista there is tricks to get around model.txt, I find it easier just to extract the drivers/applications.

  3. Thanks for the info biatche, the audio console is not included with the youpax drivers. After searching around on the internet, I found that to extract the creative executable you need to use winrar, I have never had to do this before :wacko: well anyhow it worked and I now have all the installshields I need ( Creative Audio Console ) so I installed the youpax driver and am using the creatives console, seems to work like a charm. I made a silent install for it and tested now I just need to install my unatteneded cd on my comp for further testing...

    So this is for anyonw who cannot figure out how to extract Creatives drivers, use winrar if all esle fails ( universal extractor )

  4. Yeah I integrated SP3 then added the "Universal_Audio_Architecture_High_Definition_Audio_AddOn_1.0.7z" add on, I have the driver install via WINNT.SIF, once Windows was installed the driver was recognized but said it "failed to start code 10"

  5. jd976,

    I added your AIO add on and have the same issues, do you have any other idea's

    You said "It runs slowly probably because mscorsvw.exe is running in the background building net assemblies, which is normal after a net install."

    Well how long does this take, it should not still be slow after numerous reboots etc ?


    jd976 I also tried your switchless installer from runonce with no success, in VMWARE it was stuck at 1.1 with 1 sec to go for a very long time ..

    Looks like I fixed the problem, in VMWARE, I won't say for sure until I test on my Sony MicroPC

    I used RogueSpear's svpack add on for 1.1 and 2.0 then added his switchless installer 3.5 to runonce.

  6. Can someone please help, I have tried RyanVM's AIO add on and another fellows add on from RyanVM forum both causing the same problem

    I have tested both add ons with the same issue, they cause my firewall to load very slow .. maybe 2 min or so .. also I am using a Sony Micropc, a service called Vaio Event Service, Bluetooth etc all take the same amount of time to load .. this is not good, it happens in both VMWARE and on my Sony Micropc

    Could this be because of the order of my add ons ?

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\OnePiece_IE7AddOn_1.7.2_ENU.cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\WMP11_Tweaked.cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\dt4091_143_x86.cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\ProgramAddons Firefox

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\ProgramAddons_K-Lite_Codec_Pack_Mega_3.4..cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\ProgramAddons_7Zip_4.42.cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\ProgramAddons TrueCrypt 4.3a.cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\ProgramAddons UltraVNC 1.0.2.cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\ProgramAddons FileZilla 3.0.1.cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\ProgramAddons Universal Extractor 1.5.cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\ProgramAddons ResHack 3.4.0.cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\ProgramAddons nLite

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\ProgramAddons WinIPConfig 2.7.2.cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\HashTab-205.cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\DAMN_NFO_Viewer_v2-10-0032-RC3.cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\Gorki_AddOn_NTREGOPT_160807.cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\Kels_CPLBonus_addon_v6.1.CAB

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\Ricks_LunaRoyale_AddOn_v3.2.rar

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\AIO_Inspirat_Theme_Addon_by_LUZR4LIFE.7z

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\AIO_Black_Theme_Addon_by_LUZR4LIFE.7z

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\AIO_Crystal_Theme_Addon_by_LUZR4LIFE.7z

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\Ricks_VistaSoundsReplacement_AddOn_70909.7z

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\NR_EnergySS_Addon_1.2.cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\Ricks_AIOVistaAeroCursors_AddOn_v7.07.03.rar

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\1RVMUpdatePack2.1.11.7z


    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\ADD ONS\Ricks_VistaRTMBootSceenKB940322_AddOn.7z


    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\XP Updates few\WindowsXP-KB939373-x86-ENU.exe

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\XP Updates few\WindowsMedia11-KB936782-x86-ENU.exe

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\XP Updates few\WindowsXP-KB923689-v2-x86-ENU.EXE

    M:\XP Updates\WindowsXP-KB933729-x86-ENU.exe

    M:\XP Updates\WindowsXP-KB941202-x86-ENU.exe

    M:\XP Updates\WindowsXP-KB943460-x86-ENU.exe

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\My Add ons\Winrar_3.70_Vistalized_Addon.cab

    Q:\TRANSFER C2D to UX\My Add ons\Ricks_WindowsLiveMessenger8.5.1302.1018_AddOn.7z

    Here is my last session, maybe this will shed some light ?

    Last session

    When I take the .NET AIO add out everything works fine and loads quickly ...

    If any other info is needed I can post :thumbup

    Thank you

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