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  1. Hi folks, I haven't bothered you guys much, so here's one that I've had some problems with: what (drivers or other components?) I should add to my PE3 image to get HDAUDIO devices to be seen with vbs scripts using some wmi queries? I don't need a *working* audio here, just to be able to detect the presence of different audio chips with my wmi queries for future installation purposes. Thank you for any thoughts. cheers.. aSa C[_]
  2. Hi folks, I've been experimenting with a simple vbs scripts that would use MBSACLI to create a XML report of missing updates. Thats the easier part. I need also to download several localized versions of the patches (enu + few other languages), so does anyone know a way to get/generate the download URLs for those localised versions? A simple version to start working with is here: Option Explicit Dim xml,nodes,item Dim report,Severities,SeveritiesArray If WScript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then report = WScript.Arguments(0) Else report = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\MBSA_testreport.xml" end If Set xml = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument") xml.async = False xml.Load report If xml.parseError.errorCode Then Wscript.Echo "Parse Error: " & vbCRLF & _ " Reason = " & xml.parseError.reason & vbCRLF & _ " Line = " & xml.parseError.line & vbCRLF & _ " linePos = " & xml.parseError.linePos & vbCRLF & _ " srcText = " & xml.parseError.srcText & vbCRLF & _ " ErrorCode = " & xml.parseError.ErrorCode & vbCRLF WScript.quit End If set nodes = xml.SelectNodes("//UpdateData[@IsInstalled='false']") Severities = "No severity rating,Low severity,Moderate severity,Important severity,Critical severity" SeveritiesArray = Split(Severities, ",") for each item in nodes WScript.Echo "====================================================" WScript.Echo "ITEM: " & item.Attributes.GetNamedItem("BulletinID").text & ": " & item.SelectSingleNode("Title").text WScript.Echo " " & SeveritiesArray(item.GetAttribute("Severity")) & " (" & item.GetAttribute("Severity") & ")" WScript.Echo " " & item.SelectSingleNode("References/DownloadURL").text next WScript.Echo "===================================================="
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