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Everything posted by Rick2525

  1. I could be wrong here (since I don't know everything about the seemingly and unnecessarily complex world of Microsoft updates), but I think there is a missing hotfix in this list ... KB832332-v2. I was doing a file-by-file check of the OfficeXP hotfixes I had originally downloaded in another life, and I came across KB832332-v1 (and v2 above) that was released after SP3 came out (2004, v1 in sep, then v2 in oct which addressed an error for the Windows Installer 3.0). If I have made a mistake about its alleged inclusion into this shortlist because of an unforseen reason, then apologies in advance. Otherwise, enjoy the snack.
  2. Ah thank you, I suspected as much. Before I posted this query I had tried to make them into a .zip file but that didn't work at all. And I never thought to just double-click the little blighters (hmm, a self-decompressing archive - who would have thunk it?). For people like myself (a noob with 30 years experience in the PC industry), my attempts were to either use the file as is in WUD or try to rename the suffix as a valid archive format, so maybe jcarle can indicate on the website that one just double-clicks on the .ulz files - a somewhat obvious but ultimately undocumented part of the website. On another note, maybe the name WUD should be changed to the more relevant MUD moniker, since it's not just Windows that we can use this proggie for but all of M$'s product line. However, I can already hear the cash registers ringing in the laywer's offices for using the name (that shall not be mentioned, ala MacBeth, whoops!) at all. Thanks for everything.
  3. Hello. I'm new to this wonderful little program so I have obviously missed any previous discussions regarding its use, so please be gentle. I'm using the latest v2.25 of WUD, of which the website says I should use at least 2.23 for the online .ulz files. I've been trying to use the .ulz files found on the offiicial WUD website (by loading them through the program itself), but they refuse to be read in. However, all the forum-posted .ul files work fine. From the fact that there is an extra "z" in the prefix, I almost assume that this would be a zipped version of the .ul. Anyway, what have I missed here? How am I meant to use the .ulz files? Thanx.
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