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Posts posted by dubsdj

  1. What type of file is the background file? I remember with XP we had a horrid time with jpg or gif files, but bmp files always worked. Windows 7 uses jpg files (I believe) by default, so making sure it's a JPG is a good start, also running a procmon while forcing/setting the wallpapaer (and watching it disappear) might be a good idea too, in case something odd is happening at the process/thread level you can see.

    I changed the background to jpg instead but still after 10 seconds the background disappears and I get a lovely black desktop.

  2. What type of file is the background file? I remember with XP we had a horrid time with jpg or gif files, but bmp files always worked. Windows 7 uses jpg files (I believe) by default, so making sure it's a JPG is a good start, also running a procmon while forcing/setting the wallpapaer (and watching it disappear) might be a good idea too, in case something odd is happening at the process/thread level you can see.

    Oh that's really annoying.. With XP I used BMP's because Jpegs you had to keep on refreshing the screen.. Problem is that it's a user policy and we have a mixed environment.. **** it! I will try a jpeg and see what happens.

  3. I have a very strange problem which has really got me stumped.

    I have a vista laptop and for some reason NTLM proxy authentication will not appear even though the proxy server is enabled. I thought maybe it was Internet Explorer but I tried firefox also and got a message saying The proxy server is refusing connections!

    I tried other laptops and they work just fine, the NTLM pops up..

    I have updated to the latest service pack, installed new IE, reset all settings, drilled into registry.. changed everything I can think of but nothing seems to work.

    Anyone else have any ideas?

    And to make matters even worse the laptop is in Chinese

  4. I have a very strange problem which has really got me stumped.

    I have a vista laptop and for some reason NTLM proxy authentication will not appear even though the proxy server is enabled. I thought maybe it was Internet Explorer but I tried firefox also and got a message saying The proxy server is refusing connections!

    I tried other laptops and they work just fine, the NTLM pops up..

    I have updated to the latest service pack, installed new IE, reset all settings, drilled into registry.. changed everything I can think of but nothing seems to work.

    Anyone else have any ideas?

  5. You should probably add debugging prompts into the script so you know exactly where you are on each execution step. I'm betting it's failing on the initial connection to the UNC path for the server, but you'll need some script instrumentation to be sure of where you are exactly, honestly. Given that you're running this as a startup script, assuming it's not a user logon script but a machine startup script, you're connecting to \\server with the computer account, not a user account - if the computer object doesn't have permissions in the share and the NTFS permissions on the data to at least r+x the content, you'll either fail or hang.

    I don't think its a server share problem because it is the same share that all packages are deployed via GPO. Also I opened the c: drive of the computer from another location and I could see that the java setup file was copied across successfully onto the computer. I think it's stopping when it attempts to install the software silently.

  6. Hi

    I have written a batch script to silently install JAVA during the Computer startup. The problem is that the PC just hangs on running startup scripts... it seems like its pausing for

    some weird reason, but I can't see anything in the EVENT viewer so I don't know why it's hanging on running startup scripts. The even stranger thing is that on PC's that already have the java update installed then I find that the script runs without an issue.

    Here is my script:

    @echo off

    if exist c:\windows\javaupdates\java18 (goto end)

    md c:\windows\javaupdates\java18


    rem -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    copy /y \\my-server\packages$\Java_Packages\jre-6u18-windows-i586-s.exe c:\windows\javaupdates\java18

    start /w c:\windows\javaupdates\java18\jre-6u18-windows-i586-s.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=1 INSTALLDIR=c:\windows\javaupdates\java18"

    rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



  7. Well I checked out that link but it doesn't really help because:

    Windows Server Update Services WSUS I use already but you can't push 3rd party updates like JAVA with that, I tried importing but you can only select what's in the Windows Catelog.

    SCE (System Center Essentials) - I checked that out and it's expensive so that's a no go..

    Any other ideas anyone?

  8. I don't know if other network admins have the same headache as I do... But when Flash, Shockwave.. google decide to make updates for their software (Which are never in .msi format) and It's always a problem because proxies very often don't like update servers and restricted users on a network can't even initialise updates... The whole process just becomes very irritating as it requires a manual walking around all 400 pc's updating bits of software.

    Are there any free solutions out there that can be run on a network that could dish out all these updates at a click of a finger by admins?

  9. Does anybody know of a script that can enable the TS add-on in Internet Explorer for XP SP3?

    Problem is that many of our users cant be bothered to think for themselves.... and configuring ActiveX TS for Internet Explorer is far beyond their capability.

    I just wondered if anybody out there has got a simple double click jobby that will enable the Active X Terminal Services add on.


  10. When you move the mouse over the start bar and each app that you have running pops up.. When you then move the mouse over the pop up and it restores the full screen of the application. I have just noticed that it isn't live... its just a picture of what you had running... Thats really limited! I hope they sort this out... how rubbish..!

    I'm a PC and Windows Seven wasn't my idea... cos if it was I would have made the pop up windows actually be live and not frozen. :o))

  11. Hi there

    I have completed the self paced book and have consitently scored above 98 percent on the measure up practice exam CD for the last 3 months.

    I'm wondering if there are any FREE exams that I can download because I would like to try a different set of questions, just to get a better idea of what to expect.

    Anybody know where any free 070-640 exams might be?

    Exam is in 2 weeks so any ideas would be great.

  12. I have just noticed that ts web runs the active Directory users logon script automatically.

    I have tested it with various users now and it indeed runs the login script that is associated with the user in Active Directory... That's pretty cool because all their drives are mapped.

    I haven't tried this remotely but I guess it would be the same principle.

  13. Hi

    I have set up a test environment with Web TS. I have managed to get it working inside and outside of the office. I am able to run applications remotely etc..

    Only thing is that I want the user to have to run a login script before they get to the main menu..

    I have managed to enable a login script to be run when a user clicks on a menu icon which says "Run login script".. But the thing is that I don't want users to have to click an icon manually.. I would rather if there was a way to auto run the login script before they get to the TS main page.

    I had another idea of attaching a script to each application that they run, which works but that seems a very unefficient way of doing it because then I would have to create scripts for every single application that I wish to run.

    Anyway if anybody knows where I can find some useful info I would be very grateful.

  14. Sounds like a Subnet issue. I don't know if your issue is the same as what I had but when I couldn't ping anything even though it said I was connected, it was to do with my subnets being different.

    Just incase it might be that..

  15. I recently had a windows server 2008 up and running with Terminal Services and Remoteapp running on IIS.. Anyway I accidently deleted the IIS TS site.

    I tried uninstalling IIS , Terminal Services and Web ts.. it uninstalled ok

    When I try to reinstall any of these, it installs them and then says at the end that the Installation has failed (With no clear reason)

    Anybody know what's going on?

    Is it some service missing?


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