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Everything posted by lzel

  1. We actually moved from pxelinux. The reason why we moved to winPE was to remove the multiple things that could potentially break (as well as remove the maintence overhead). I tried bj-kaiser and gadget's method by using legacy RIS, and used risME to edit legacy RIS into getting a bartpe image to load. However, I get an Error: TFTP failed transferring image file after the blue client login screen.
  2. Hi, My company is trying to see if we can't boot diagnostics and other software through pxe to eliminate the need of running around with usb keys and cds. The only problem is that wds (which we use to deploy winxp atm) only accepts .wim files. This also would give us a lot of freedom that we do not have (like pxeing a knoppix iso unto a machine with a corrupt harddrive). Has anybody discovered a way to force on a iso file onto windows deployment service, or a way to covert a group of files (or an iso) into a 'valid windows boot image'? Does anybody have any ideas what files wds checks for to insure a valid boot image (and if we can fake that)?
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