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Posts posted by ShakeNotStirr

  1. Id like to know if anyone knows how to #1 remove the unpassworded Admin account either from the login screen or #2 from the computer.

    I have Administrator , another unpassworded Account with Administrator privliges, and a Guest account that is turned off.

    Ill never use Anything on this computer but the Defaulted Administrator Account. The one that is called Administrator. So does anyone got a guide or way to do it? I tried going to Computer Manigment < Local Users and Groups to see if i could but it has a red X over the icon and when i click on it it will bring up in the box a Red X Local Users and Groups.... Unable to access the computer COMPUTER. The error was: Unspecified error.

    Is there Anything i can do ?

  2. ya im also having problems making mine, i got a folder from LHA BOOT SCREENS

    I tried using the ResourceHacker program to replace the .bmp files for background and progress bar, Well it showed up when the computer booted but it was All crappy looking like bright green and very ugly pixels like reds blues and alot of green. And its alot bigger almost the whole screen , where as the pic on the link shows it alot smaller not sure if there is a problem there

    Anyone that can make me a ntoskrnl.exe file with the LHA DARK theme from the link above cause iv been trying for over 2 hours. or give me a hint whats wrong.

    Suppost to change bmp for #1 , #8 and #10 , well on some of the websites out there that show a guide using ResourseHacker they show #10 as the PROFESSIONAL like on this link scroll down some resourcehacker guide

    but i dont have a #10 cause since sp2 they took out the professional and home logo and just made it windows xp. but still my problem i dont know what it is, mabye somebody thats good at this can slap me one together id really appriecate it.

  3. ya im also having problems making mine, i got a folder from LHA BOOT SCREENS

    I tried using the ResourceHacker program to replace the .bmp files for background and progress bar, Well it showed up when the computer booted but it was All crappy looking like bright green and very ugly pixels like reds blues and alot of green. And its alot bigger almost the whole screen , where as the pic on the link shows it alot smaller not sure if there is a problem there

    Anyone that can make me a ntoskrnl.exe file with the LHA DARK theme from the link above cause iv been trying for over 2 hours. or give me a hint whats wrong.

    Suppost to change bmp for #1 , #8 and #10 , well on some of the websites out there that show a guide using ResourseHacker they show #10 as the PROFESSIONAL like on this link scroll down some resourcehacker guide

    but i dont have a #10 cause since sp2 they took out the professional and home logo and just made it windows xp. but still my problem i dont know what it is, mabye somebody thats good at this can slap me one together id really appriecate it.

  4. ok i uninstalled driver restarted and it reinstalled the same driver as before.

    as far as 3rd party software, iv never used it in the past when i had no problems, and there was no software that i can remember comming with this keyboard it has just basic functions nothing special besides the ergo design.

  5. Check your keyboard settings in control panel, and also make sure the right driver is installed for you keyboard, and if not try the standard microsoft drive for the keyboard.

    what should i be looking for in the keyboard settings. also i am currently using the regualar standard keyboard microsoft driver.

    the same driver makes my friends keyboard work normally. but when i plug mine back in problems still there.

    Update. I put my keyboard on my friends and the problem follows to his computer. so whats the deal..

    tell me if this could be the problem on the website i posted above it says my keyboard is a 108 key , the standard driver me and my friend are using is saying its a 101/102 key or microsoft natural ps/2 keyboard.

    could my problem be this. and if so were do i get a 108 key complient driver cause microsoft is the one who installed this driver for my keyboard so shouldnt it pick up that its a 108 key? anyways if this is not the problem then im stuck.

  6. have you tried a different keyboard

    Ok update,

    As you can see i can now CAPITOLIZE using the shift key without it opening another instance of the browser. YAY this is cause i switch with my friends keyboard.

    All windows shortcuts like cctrl alt delete for task manager works.

    Now the question is why, and how do i fix it so my keyboard works like it did before.

    I have a Belkin ergonomic smart keyboard. this problem has not always been here so im lost.

    What should i do?

  7. no i have not , but i will try and see if that fixes it. but whats the deal with my keyboard deciding to do this it would seem more like a software problem then a hardware problem wouldnt you think. since iv used this keyboard fine for a year now.

    do you guys think that this is a problem with sp2 cause i never had this problem until i installed my test sp2 on another partition then it somehow crossed over to my main sp1 old install. now im full sp2 with the clean install and the problem is still here. so what changed in sp2 that made my hotkeys all wierd?

  8. i have had a problem for a while now im not sure what it is from or why it is doing it.

    basically my windows shortcuts such as ctrl alt delete to bring up task manager instead puts my computer in standbye. if i press shift to capitolize it does not capitolize or change the numbers to the symbols, instead it will open firefox or internet explorer depending on what browser i have set as default. if i press alt it pops up the calculator then the computer goes to standbye. the left shift key does nothing. the right ctrl buttom also brings up a new instance of firefox or ie.

    iv now done a format and fresh install with sp2, nlited, and i do have reg tweaks applied but the thing is these reg tweaks were never applied before this problem started. and now on a fresh format the problem came back.

    iv tried to uninstall the keyboard and everything i just am really confused cause this problem wont present its self with a cluprit. now i did find out that to open the windows taks manager i have to press left shift and esc. why i cant even put a question mark or capitolize properly in this very post.

    please help guys. :( iv really search and just came up dry.

  9. Importing Registry Tweaks

    There are several methods for importing tweaks into the registry. I choose the following because it takes place during Windows setup thus applying the settings to all users. HKEY_CURRENT_USER Registry tweaks executed after setup apply only to current user. Another user logs in and the registry tweak is not applied.

    * Create cmdlines.txt and place it in C:\working\xp_cd\$OEM$\

    * Place the following into cmdlines.txt and save the file.

    "REGEDIT /S xp_cd.reg"

    * Create xp_cd.reg and place it in C:\working\xp_cd\$OEM$\

    * Place the following into xp_cd.reg and save the file.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

    The above code is merely an example. Place the HKCU registry tweaks you desire into this file. cmdlines.txt is automatically ran at the T-12/T-13 minute stage of Windows XP Setup.

    I need a couple ?'s answered

    First off when you say HKCU tweaks are executed after setup only apply to current user, making another login from a different user default and not "tweaked"

    Does this mean HKLM and etc types of tweaks have the same rule?

    And also can you only install HKCU tweaks through a cmdline.txt, or i also put in the many different types of tweaks such as HKLM etc and if it is true that HKCU tweaks are all that you can run through cmdlines.txt, will the tweak still work if i change HKLM tweaks to HKCU heading making them applied too HKCU instead of HKLM. Cause i thought HKLM tweaks were applied too all users machine wide, as were HKCU is only applied to the Current logged in user.

    Thanks hope it makes sense. Just want to make sure before i am happy with my reg file to be installed with windows.

  10. Iv got something going on on my computer that im not sure how to fix cause its never happen to me before.

    I have Windows XP sp1 installed, also sp2 on another partition. Both the partitions have this problem and i just installed sp2 on another partition to test before i make the switch.

    Basically i noticed this problem cause when i was in a game i held down shift to capitolize while i was typeing ingame, well the game minimized and to my suprise firefox opened up, i pressed shift agian and another instance of firefox opened basically if i press shift for anything firefox opens.

    Well it is not firefox doing this (at least im pretty sure) cause there is another program that opens when i press alt, if i press alt calculator opens, also alt will make my computer go to standbye. While in firefox if i press backspace it will go back a page.

    And just last night i wanted to open task manager to see if there is some program running doing this that was abnormal well to my suprise agian ctrl alt delete did not open up task manager. I had to use ctrl shift esc, iv never had this happen before im sure there are other hotkeys opening up wierd programs but iv not found them or tryed to yet.

    I want to disable what ever it is that got enabled, or see if anyone can give me some advice besides formating.

    Im not sure exactly when this happen but it is really annoying just typing this messager i have to use caps lock to capitolize, if i use shift bam firefox opens.

  11. @gabriel_buc

    Is this YOUR file I found on another post (not by you)? I ask because it is quite lengthy and documented on what most of the things do. If it is, fantastic job.

    As for the monstrosity of a thread, does anyone want to start a new one? Comb through this thread, document each tweak and post in a new topic?

    Also, I don't know waht you people are talking about, I only show 29 pages :P

    On a side note, anyone know of the registry to turn off that annoying check on downloaded files? The one that asks, "are you sure you want to run this?"


    Is the zip file in your sig every single tweak on msfn or is it gabriel_buc's super reg file? :)


    And if it is not were can i take a "look" at your super reg file :D

  12. if you delete the guest account im guessing your going to use the admin account?

    if you want to rename the admin account and use it as if its the only account on the whole machine how would i do this?

    and is there a way to keep from having to make a guest account cause when you install windows it makes you enter a name for the new account.

    In other words what is the best way to get windows installed with nothing but one account that being the admin account, then using that admin account as your primary account.

    im not in need of any guest accounts just me on my computer.

  13. Is there a Tweak to make WinRAR open the newest zip or rar etc file in the same window instead of creating a new window?

    Also This tweek should "speed up shutdown"

    well when i restart my computer it just takes forever and slows down with this tweak.

    ;Speed Up Shutdown
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

    anyone tell me why you would use this to speed up shutdown?

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