I use orca tool for configure NeroSuite.msi http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...&DisplayLang=en im add serial num directly in msi, disable all unwanted components, save new msi file... in *property* table of msi file, insert row *PIDKEY* - *xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-....* (where xx - serial num) but when i run NeroSuite.msi /passive /norestart - norestart dont work 8( i try many various options of installer, pc always goto reboot.. is anybody knows where IN Installer i can disable autoreboot? sorry for bad english... ok, i solve this problem with installrite - now my nero is only 47 meg exe/silent/selfinstall file, not rebootable 8) what we should do: first of all > if u already have installed nero, u must uninstall nero succesfully! clean up your registry (in regedit press ctr+f then enter nero 7, then delete all finded *nero 7* and *ahead* values in all hives) 1) download & install >>> http://www.epsilonsquared.com/anonymous/InstallRite25.exe 2) after first start of installrite close popup window *startup help* then press *install new software and create installkit* 3) press *configure* btn for monitoring only C:\ drive (all other options live on their default values) 4) press next 5) program will collect some info from our drive & registry 6) next window - *installation program to run* - select file *SetupX.exe* in nero7 directory then next.. 7) installrite's window will now hide, and nero install will begin.. 8) after installing nero (configure nero how u want, enter your serial, .. ) press *not reboot now* 9) nero setup will be closed, and istallrite window will unhide, press *next* 10) installrite will search whole registry & harddrive for changes after nero setup.. 11) Type in the name of the installation - i.e. nero7 (without extension) 12) press *build install kit*, then mark needed checkbox (i mark *quiet installation mode* & *never reboot, even if needed* & *never prompt the user and only overwrite older files*) 13) press ok, installrite will compile new exe-file 14) now we can close that cool program & goto *C:\Program Files\Epsilon Squared\InstallRite\Install Kits*, where we will find *nero7.exe* sorry for bad English, im Russian... if admins can correct my post for lang errors - thats will be great 8) Привет из России!