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Posts posted by Yonderboy

  1. :o

    It can't be that simple!

    Thanks for the tip B)

    Edit - it isn't that simple... it still asks for the password.

    I thought the only Windows OS that does not let the

    Adminsitrator (not "an" Administrator, I mean the main

    Administrator itself) logon automativally with a blank

    password is Server 2003? Sheesh, who knows, this

    Windows 2000 is fully patched, maybe a hotfix has

    done it?

    XP behaves the same way and W2K probably too.

    The system autologs (spontaneously = even if its not ON explicitely in registry) into the Built-in Administrator ONLY when there isnt any other account specified in the system.

    It wont autologon (spontaneously) into second in spite of that it has administrative privileges and a blank password since there already is an account called Administrator (built in) and that means two of them in the system.

  2. Simple question: If I make an unattended xp cd can I use my WinXP SP2 already integrated or do I have to make an XP with SP2 integrated for that? :}

    Since the consequence (the result) of splisptremaing an XP CD to SP2 state is the same, as using plain SP2ed CD..you can use whichever suits you best. :)

    And for the whole unattended CD, the best is to use a complex solution.

  3. Maybe you could take a look at some of the other utilities available here and there.

    Here I compiled a list of them with links to downloads..maybe it will be helpful for other novice people to handle unattended installations and things that relate to it :)

    Security patches related:



    This software can slisptream your hotfixes right into the instalation CD.

    Windows Updates Downloader


    This utility will download the updates on windows update to your local folder.

    Various utilities:



    This allows you to view modified DLLs and system files.



    This utility allows you to compress a file exactly the same way the installation files in XP CD are compressed.

    Program installers:



    This progie can installs programs and create users...it website however says that its development is stopped..but the download is available, so you can try.



    Xplode is another installation shell available here intended mainly for programs...at least I used it that way a year ago. It has a nice GUI and is able tu run in t-13...only the syntax for xml that says waht to install was hard to maintain.

    There was a third program that has a WEB UI but i really cannot remember..maybe someone could post it :)

    (It was using a waird typ of http file)

    Install Unattended Enteprise


    This is able to create a separate package that can be roled out whereher you want. I like the record possibility..it can record as you install.That way, u dont have to write scripts like in auto IT.



    A scripting program. Very helpfull for installation of programs that have some nonstandard installation or is not possible to install them silently in an easy way. It the de facto standard for this...and you can find many ready-to-use scrits all around.

    More complex solutions:



    A grand daddy of unattended...i honestly don't know if it is still used nowadays..but it could handle SATA drivers integration so it was a respected solution in earlier years.

    Balder Multiboot


    This is a program that can create a multiboot DVD that means you can have a DVD that contains more Operating systems on one DVD media which is handy for administrators..it can also integrate SATA drivers, hotfixes and programs but not much comfort is there. Its main strenght is in multiboot capability which is exceptional.

    Setup Studio


    This is my favourite..i switched to this from nlite since it has some nice features I lacked in nlite - comfortable programs support, switches database, automatic windows update integrated, cool instalation GUI that runs after basic XP setup, driverpacks, data backup etc...this could maybe satisfy you the most.


    There are even more complex systems such as RIS etc..but these are intended for the enteprise so I believe for novices it would be a waste of time..


    If somebody has an addition to this list...I will add it immediatelly.

  4. I have also experienced problem like you..I then realized that the problem was in refresh rate...it was too high..75Hz...now ,when set to 60, it accepts the given resolution and sets the refresh rate to 60 hz..which is ok for LCD panels.

    Aah..I almost forgot to say that i install it unattended, as an application...I use the original exe...i am not extracting the inf...one never knows if there arent some additional tasks performed by that installation, which would be ommited if installed manually as inf.

  5. I am looking for a reg, that would turn on and off the "show in groups" when drive icons (my computer root) are visible in window open.

    You getthere by selecting opening my computer / and in menu - View/arrange icons by/show in groups

    Also I am unable to fing how to change the folder and files araangements by reg.

    Arranged by Name, Time etc..

    Can you help?

    Do you have one?

  6. Well i have noticed that if you copy all the files to a folder and then run Nlite and select that folder as the

    source for files to slipstream or modify that it will tell you exactly what sp & build it is

    hope this helps :hello:

    No, because I do not look for an application that can do it, I look for a method, how that application does it.

    Why don't you read the whole thread before posting? :wacko:

    However, Takeshi's hint may be helpful. Thanks goes to him. :yes:

  7. Now that I reread my post, I see that I was not specific enough.

    I am talking about the installation media, the original CD, or the copy of those files in some directory on HDD. Not the actual installiation.

    I want to know, a method to find out, what version of SP1 has the media slipstreamed/integrated.

    (On second thought , i mentioned those WIN51IP.SP1 files in the root, and those are definitelly not in actual installation :D )

  8. Well, the simple but not very informative way is to check Properties in My Computer.  You can also download Powertoys TweakUI and check the option to display windows build on the desktop.  Someone else here may be able to recommend an app that that can pull the info for you as well.

    Yeeaah I know, but those apps have some means to identify it too. Iam looking for an answer HOW they do it, (not for the app itself), from exactly what file or atribute of the build (cd media), or where is this information stored.

  9. How can I find out, what version of Service pack 1 is installed in widows build?

    I mean, is there any differrence between SP1 and SP1a in regards to those files (WIN51IP.SP1 and other ) that are added into root?

    Can I determine form those files if there is the newer or the older version of SP1?

    If not from them, is there any other method?


  10. I fail to understand, why is the whole regcode writen in such a nonsense way.

    Wouldn't it be more elegant and systemic, if it would look like this?

    a ) 1 row between entries

    b ) no disturbing ";----" letters near regcode

    c ) only one ";" right before description,

    d ) no space between items of the same hive...?

    e ) No hard enters in description..so that it would be a real contigious text


    ;Determines whether the Welcome to Windows splash screen, Welcome.exe, appears the next time the user logs on.


    ;Allows boot files to be placed optimally on the hard-drive for faster boots.

    ;Speed up shutdown
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]


    ;Disable Automatic Restart in the event of a BSOD


  11. Sorry..If you have missing or modified files in your root xp dorectory, I cant help you, because I have absolutely no experience.

    I consider tinkering with signed 386 files absolute nonsense. In a days of DVD media, I can't help and don't see a point of removing components and reducing the size of source files bundle or modify it in any other way. In my opinion, it absolutely contradict the whole point promoted here on the forums, that is to have a very stable automated instalation.

    Stiill, i wish you good luck. :hello:

  12. Add these lines into your winnt.sif

    Choose your preferred language from the list and add it into xxxx position.

    All 3 xxxx position MUST use the same language.

    Also then, choose yor preferred keyboard set for yyyyyyyy position from the list thats all.

    The "languagegroup" settings forces windows to install support for arabic.

    Use the syntax exactly as it is, only replace the x, y, by numbers.









    0401|Arabic (Saudi Arabia)

    0801|Arabic (Iraq)

    0c01|Arabic (Egypt)

    1001|Arabic (Libya)

    1401|Arabic (Algeria)

    1801|Arabic (Morocco)

    1c01|Arabic (Tunisia)

    2001|Arabic (Oman)

    2401|Arabic (Yemen)

    2801|Arabic (Syria)

    2c01|Arabic (Jordan)

    3001|Arabic (Lebanon)

    3401|Arabic (Kuwait)

    3801|Arabic (UAE)

    3c01|Arabic (Bahrain)

    4001|Arabic (Qatar)


    00000401|Arabic (101)

    00010401|Arabic (102)

    00020401|Arabic (102) AZERTY

  13. You can't take out the CD. Even if does not make sense to me also, and I don't see the point in reading the media after everything has been coppied to harddrive, the setup is constantly accessing the media througout the GUI part of setup.

    If you take out the CD, setup starts complaining about it very quickly.

    Ask MS why... :}

  14. Many thanks..

    I also tried those win51. files with google, but no luck. IT seems wrong search strings used.

    Could you provide yours? I'll lear a bit. :yes:

    I also wonder then, how to programmaticaly identify the language of builds..

    there must be a way.

  15. Hi..

    I am curious.

    Is there any list of those "win51ic.sp1" files located on the root of installation CD media, from what i could know for sure what XP build it is?

    If not, could we create a one?

    Do various language version also differ in these files? for .ex. Swedish XP :-) ?

  16. The simple and correct solution for this requirement is to add your settings to the ALL USERS profile set.
    How is this possible? I have never heard about this. As far as I know, ALL USERS is not a full-featured profile. It does not contain any "ntuser.dat" file contrary to Default User or some other, interactive accounts. How can it store registry settings then?
    For example if you have desktop icons or shortcuts for the start menu add them in the ALL USERS directory structure.

    My problem is not the icons themselves, but their position. Blame me for not being descriptive enough. :)

    It is irelevant, where the icon is stored (ALL Users or Particular profile). Even if we have only one icon (something.lnk), located in ALL users, the location for this icon, is separatelly stored in every profile.

    I am suspicious a bit and I think that the "icon location data" is not in the ntuser.dat at all.

    Could it be the desktop.ini?

    I must be logged on at least ONCE in order to place the icons where I want them. Then I must spread this location iinformation onto all profiles.

    No please be aware that copying the current user profile has problems as a solution because it stores absolute paths to things like my documents etc... so if for example you copy the administrator path to the default user - then when you open my documents from any profile you would end up in the administrators my documents folder
    This is not true (at least when using profile COPY-TO method in system/advanced/usr profiles/...). Do a test and see for yourself. The user's documents folder IS called "Administrator's Documents" but it NOT the same folder. It's just a folder with the same name. Furthermore it show's up with its logical name, not physical (could I say..), that is "User's Documents".
    plus there are permissions issue with this also.

    What exactly, do you have any more details on that?

    Thanks for comments so far. :hello:

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