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Everything posted by rune69

  1. Thank you both AuthorAnne and uid0. Both your suggestions are alternatives to use to avoid the problem of course, but even better would be to have the opportunity to keep the changing of small letters to capital in the beginning of sentences AND be able to quit the capitalization at the start of a new line. E.g. I am still searching for a solution to my problem....
  2. Hi there, I am seeking your help regarding some annoying thing in Word 2003 (well, for me it is). I am using the Norwegian Office 2003 so I am not sure about the English translation to the correct tools to use. My problem is that when I use the Enter button to make a new line in Word, the starting letter automatically turns into a capital letter. I know it is standard to change into capital letter after full stop (that is: new sentence). But if I just want to write two different words where both words are on lines underneath each other, they both get capital letters. Maybe my explanation of the problem was terrible, but my question is really: Is it possible to avoid the capital letters at the beginning of each line, without having to disable the automatic transfer into capital letters with new sentences??? Regards, Rune
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