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Everything posted by gokalp

  1. I gave up on integrating it, instead i did an ultra compression with 7zip and wrote my own silent installer. I just obtained anther corp cd, ima test it out with that and let you know. Thanks for all the help everyone.
  2. I blocked out the cd key, winnt.sif compressed and attached. I can also try to do it with out the winnt.sif as a test. WINNT.rar
  3. Alright I did the following yet no success at ie7: -Removed the duplicates, placed hfanswer into the hftools, ie7 is in hf, and now i see the ie7-inst in i386\svcpack. Yet my vmware test fails at installing ie7. Anymore suggestions? -I also had tried with the new beta but that didnt work either HFSLIP.TXT
  4. Slight problem: I tested my cd and it doesnt work ie7 its in the svcpack, but.....ie7 is not installed. Upon further inspection i removed: wmfdist95.exe - wmp 9/10 WindowsXP-KB917344-x86-enu.exe - ie6 I hope those fix it. Running another slip session Ima post my log file after i'm done testing it.
  5. I love you guys, i did evrything you guys said, and i cant believe i didnt put the hfanswer into tools....I guess when you try 12 times to hfslip you lose perspective. Thanks a million ;p
  6. Yes i followed them. I even tried puting the ie7 file into the svcpack folder, renaming it, Spent a good 6 hours with this. Ima re-rip my source from my cd and try once more. Its getting frustrating. Thanks for the fast reply, btw, and yes i read that post at least 5 times. Any ideas?
  7. Hi everybody, i have just registered to msfn's forum because i could not find an answer to why i cant get ie7 integrated into windows xp pro. I have been using hfslip for over a year now and as required here is my log file: (below). after the process finishes i go into "SOURCESS\I386\SVCPACK" and i cant se ie7 nor a reference in the svcpack.ini in "ii386" file. The log shows that it processed it but its just not there. I have also added my hfanswer.ini file contents too below the log file. As far as atempts are concerned i have spend an entire day with this and also tested it in vmware, but no luck. Its not like the contents of svcpack fail to install either, only ie7. So I ask humbly please, please help me get ie7 integrated. Edit___________________________________________ I couldnt upload it as log file changed to txt file. Also i followed the instructions to the core. I have the corp version, yes genuine. HFSLIP.TXT HFANSWER.INI
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