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Everything posted by Yablko

  1. Oops... my bad. I spent half an hour searching for the tweak in nLite and after I wasnt able to find it I realised I enabled this setting with a different sotware.. it was xp-AntiSpy btw Sorry for the trouble dude, keep up the good work. nLite sure rocks and I'm pretty sure I'll need vLite in the future...
  2. Hi. I was messing around with the nLite (like always, before every win reinstall great app *thumb*) and I enabled the option to show several suffixes that are normaly hidden. Like the *.lnk suffix. And I would like to HIDE THIS SUFFIX AGAIN, because....well because I simply dont wanna have this suffix in every link. Is there a way to do it without reinstalling win again? I run XP Proffesional. Thanks in advance.
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