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Everything posted by NecroSandro

  1. Hello here , first ^^ sorry for my english i thinks my solution of my problem is here , but i dont find it , or i dont undersant it ^^ i have make my WPI dvd and when Driverforge start , he say error because he dont find any driver in this path , because my path is C:\Users\*****\Documents\Vista32OK\WPI\Install\Nvidia Original Acer Nat i tinks i need put the CD/DVD path for it work... i hope you understand me big thx for your help.
  2. thank you foryou quick reponse ( answer? )
  3. Hello this method is for xp only? because i m new on wpi , and i want start wpi just before vista go to deskop ( if its possible ) , i thinks i need put cmd in autounattended.xml but i dont know how big thanks and sorry for my bad english
  4. Hello , i want to know if is possbile to change all Windows Post-Install name in WPI , by something else thank you all sorry for my us i am french
  5. Hello ^^ i have try use WPI , i have make some test , and when i click on start , i get error and my pc reboot ( shutdown system ) let see some screen Here the test i have make ... Here error i get and here my config for prog and regfile i have but prog in Install folder , and regfile in Install/RegFiles/ folder.... i thinks i make a error , or something wrong ^^ thx EDIT : If pics is too big , say me it , i put it in link. EDIT2 : ok i have found for Bitcomet install ( error its because i giving to wpi , the path of %wpipath%/WPI/Install or the good path its %wpipath%/Install .... but for regfile , dont work , i have changed path , but nothing. EDIT3: Its ok i have found sorry for my english i am french
  6. can you give me a web site or link it say how i can make it . very thx http://flyakite.msfnhosting.com/ is down :'( or i need use it ? http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...mp;hl=Multiboot
  7. Hello all i Want to know if is possible to make a dvd bootable for install windows xp , because i want make a dvd with all my prog , driver , game ect.... and Office 2k7 , IE7 ect... but cd is only 700MB ^^ and office + xp its more than 700mb thank you sorry for my english all , but i am french ************************************ Kikoo tous le monde , voila je cherche a savoir si c'est possible de cree un dvd bootable pour win xp car j'ai l'intention de cree un winxp perso avec prog ect.. et j'ai vu sur certain theme de WPI qu'il y as Office 2k3 a l'install , mais il pese lourd aussi , donc a mon avis il y as moyen de faire une image dvd. j'ai essayer tout l'aprem avec ce site la http://severinterrier.free.fr/Boot/UltimeDVD/index.htm#nt resultat final ... j'ai pas reussi , est parce que j'ai fait avec la version us de xp ? un grand merci
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