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Everything posted by booster

  1. No I have integrated some hotfixes with nlite. Should I integrate WMP11 first and then the hotfixes ?
  2. I use the 1.1.60 version, but still get the message that wmdrmsdk.dll is missing. If I copy wmdrmsdk.dll and mfplat.dll to the windows folder manually it works fine. In DOSNET.INF I have [Directories] d5=\ [Files] d5,I386\wmdrmsdk.dll d5,I386\MFPLAT.dll In TXTSETUP.SIF I have [SourceDisksFiles] wmdrmsdk.dll = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0 mfplat.dll = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0 Seems right, but still dosnt work unless I manually copy the 2 files to the systemroot folder.
  3. I also get this on a IBM ThinkCentre M55, it wants a Plug and Play monitor driver 3 times. I just click Next and it installs without problems. But it breaks the meaning with an unattended setup. Was any one able to fix this ?
  4. When I try to use this, I get "To install this product please use Install.exe" in the event viewer. But with Petya's version I get "Could not write to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\PC Health bla bla bla" So something must be different. In either case the framework does not get installed. Any fix to this ?
  5. I use this MP10Setup.exe /Q:A /C:"setup_wm.exe /DisallowSystemRestore /Q:A /R:N" But dont know if it has something to do with it
  6. Works like a charm now thx
  7. No I didn't select "[x] Use current logged on user" Will try with %ThisProfile% Update: Works with %ThisProfile% Will test new version.
  8. Hi there If I have this in my install.ini: description.0=Total Commander 6.03 command.0=Tc603\Install.exe collapsed.0=1 selected.0=1 description.0.0=Total Commander Settings command.0.0=xcopy Tc603\wincmd.ini "%ProgramFiles%\totalcmd\wincmd.ini" /Y selected.0.0=1 description.0.1=Total Commander QuickLaunch Shortcut command.0.1=xcopy Tc603\*.lnk "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\" /Y selected.0.1=1 and I create a user, say TESTUSER, then %USERPROFILES% is still pointing at Administrator. However if I do this: description.1=Test command.1=cmd And type set in the command windows then %USERPROFILES% is pointing in the right path. What am I doing wrong ? It worked in the earlier versions. Using now
  9. booster

    WIHU Suggestion

    thx I was logged in as "Administrator" and just used "Use currently logged on user" so it was not shown in the list.
  10. booster

    WIHU Suggestion

    No, there will be no extra interface to rename administrator only. This can be done with existing interface. Can't seem to find out how to rename the admin user with the GUI ? Can anyone give a quick point in the right direction
  11. Dryden: If you read my previous post here you will know that if Accessibility Options is not installed you don't have these settings in control panel and nothing will happen when you press settings.
  12. If you, like me, choose not to install Accessibility Options during silent install, then when any of the stickykey/filterkeys gets activated and says you can click on Settings to disable them nothing happens cause it's not installed. Thus it is not in Control Panel either. My first thougt when disabeling Accessibility Option during install was that then the stickykeys/filterkeys was disabled too.. But nooo.. they are still active.. But no more with my reg-tweaks
  13. And finally FilterKeys [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\Keyboard Response] "Flags"="" And tested in SP1 and SP2 on Windows XP Pro
  14. Here they are: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\HighContrast] "Flags"="" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\MouseKeys] "Flags"="" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\StickyKeys] "Flags"="" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\ToggleKeys] "Flags"="" Now Im only missing FilterKeys. Still searching. B)
  15. Found these searching the web Now, I got StickyKeys disabled with reg-tweak. Searching for reg-tweaks to disable the others.
  16. I got it from here experts-exchange And it works for me.. Even under SP2 B)
  17. This is what I use ;Stickykeys Off [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\StickyKeys] "Flags"=""
  18. This is how I do: ;Firewall OFF [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile] "EnableFirewall"=dword:00000000
  19. booster

    Error 21?

    If you are installing from the new user you created, make sure it has admin rights or else Alcohol cannot install some of it's drivers. May go for other programs too.
  20. booster

    Error 21?

    You have to call WIHU from RunOnceEx.cmd This is how I do: REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "Calling WIHU" /f REG ADD %KEY%\055 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\$OEM$\Setups\wihu.exe /LOG=c:\wihu.log" /f
  21. booster

    Error 21?

    Hi there.. At which point do you run WIHU ? RunOnceEx.cmd ? cmdlines.txt ? I is not possible to run it directly from cmdlines.txt. Programs will install fine. (mostly) but network operations will not work as the network is not startet at that point.
  22. Hi there I have this in my install.ini [Users.Operation] delete.0=ASPNET disable.0=Administrator ASPNET does get deleted But Administrator is not disabled Shouldn't it be so ? Or am I doing something wrong ?
  23. Problem solved I applied a custom theme. So I guess my default Luna theme is different than others. But now it is just like I want it.
  24. Bottom of which page ? Don't seem to find any link EDIT: This guide http://www.dazdezines.com/simplify-it/Guides/guide1.htm Have tried that to.. No luck either. Is it possible to run regedit during install ? Read somewhere that you could get a cmd prompt, but can't remember what the key-combinations was..
  25. Maybe having to do with this in my winnt.sif [Display] BitsPerPel=16 Xresolution=1024 YResolution=768 Vrefresh=75 Will try to install without it. "I'll be back" EDIT: Nope nothing to do with this.
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