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Posts posted by flimflan

  1. The first email you sent me was flagged as spam because of your nonsensical subject line.

    I really would have preferred you including a link to my post, rather than copying and pasting the entire thing into this forum. Its much easier to keep all of the information in one place, in case updates are made.

    As for your specific issue, it is possibly because of the typo in my post (I copied the typo in the documentation and forgot to correct it). Check the updated notes on Step 2-5 on my article now. (And please don't copy the entire updated post here).

    The latest edition of the article can always be found here:


  2. Please disregard my last post. After thinking about my setup some more and reading the syslinux documentation, it finally occurred to me that I didn't need to use pxelinux or memboot at all. I had tftpd32 configured to boot pxelinux, and had pxelinux configured to send memboot and pxeboot.com. I eventually realized that I just had to configure tftpd32 to boot boot\pxeboot.com (on the DHCP Server tab) and ignore the pxelinux configuration.

    (Believe me, I spent hours on this before posting for help, and just by dumb luck figured it out immediately after posting).

    Hopefully this information can help someone else.

  3. My problem seems similar, so I'm wondering if anyone can provide some tips.

    I'm trying to install Vista on my Toshiba m200 tablet that has no optical drive. I'm trying to use the instructions provided here for setting up a PXE server:


    I've successfully followed those instructions, and can PXE boot my Toshiba using a DOS boot disk image, verifying my PXE setup works.

    I now want to try booting WinPE 2.0. I've followed the instructions in the WAIK "Deploy an Image by using PXE", so I now have a Boot folder containing all necessary files, under my tftpboot folder.

    I modified the "default" file in the pxelinux.cfg folder so the last line says:

    append initrd=boot\pxeboot.com

    I run the tftpd32 application, start my tablet, and choose to boot from the network. I see it download memboot, pxeboot.com. I then see the message "Press F12 for network service boot" (as the WAIK suggests I should).

    Pressing F12 does nothing. Everything in the 2 guides worked fine up until this point (once I switched from wdsndp.com to pxeboot.com, as mentioned in this thread).

    Unfortunately, I have to plead ignorance to the inner workings of tftpd and PXE, so my troubleshooting can't go very far.

    This is what my "default" file in pxelinux.cfg looks like:

    default boot

    prompt 0

    say booting...

    label boot

    kernel memdisk

    append initrd=boot\pxeboot.com

    This is what my Tftpd32 app folder and subfolders contain:


















    Any suggestions on other things to try, where to look for more guidance, etc, would be greatly appreciated.

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