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GUIDE: Download Everything Microsoft (MSDBuild v5.5)
Kilyin replied to DarkShadows's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
here Wga One of the first things I tried. Unfortunatly, didn't work. -
GUIDE: Download Everything Microsoft (MSDBuild v5.5)
Kilyin replied to DarkShadows's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
What I did - I downloaded the new WGA (KB892130) through Windows update, I was unable to find a standalone download for it. So I went in the C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\downloads folder and created an SFX archive out of the KB892130 folder (which was named a49d784415582d2f98c84ceb0a75d898) with the command "update\update.exe /q /o /n /z" to be run after extraction and added it to SVCPACK.inf. Was the only way I could find to make it work. -
GUIDE: Download Everything Microsoft (MSDBuild v5.5)
Kilyin replied to DarkShadows's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
I was able to successfully integrate the latest WGA into my XP SP3 source using this. I still use IE6 in my slipstreams, so if anyone else is in the same predicament I can post how I was able to accomplish it. -
GUIDE: Download Everything Microsoft (MSDBuild v5.5)
Kilyin replied to DarkShadows's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Great piece of work DS. I recently ran into a snag trying to integrate the latest WGA for XP into this. I get prompted to download the new one on fresh builds now. Any updates buddy? -
Uh, I guess I didn't make it clear enough in my first post. The OS was activated during the installation with OEMScan. The OEMScan log indicated everything was a success. The Windows installations were verified as activated, I'm not that stupid, c'mon guys. It is after weeks of the customer using the PC that this has happened.
So I've been using my OEMScan CD(s) on various customers computers at the PC shop that I work at. We tend to do alot of Operating System Installations to save time when a customer has sabotaged their Operating System beyond feasible repair. Anyway, I've recently encountered a dilemma that may or may not be related to the OEMScan CD. We've recently had 3 PCs come back to the shop with an activation error. The error specifically is that "This copy of Windows must be activated before you can log on". However, when trying to activate, the OOBE window indicates "This copy of Windows is already activated". Thus, the customer is unable to do much of anything except bring the PC back to us. I've found a quick repair install fixes it, but my concern is that if all of the PCs I've performed installs on with the OemScan CD are going to have this problem, I'll be doing ALOT of repair installs. Of course, there is also the concern that the problem will continue to reoccur. Obviously, we don't want to have to do a repair install every 30 days (The three computers that have come back were fresh installs that had left our shop approximately 30 days ago). The problem isn't brand specific, the PCs that have come back were a Toshiba and a couple of Dells. Everything appeared to be in working order when we performed the installs and handed the PCs back to the customers. Is this because of OEMScan? Or is this some sort of anomaly with the Windows activation process? What can I do to prevent this from happening?
As the subject says, nLite option to disable automatic restart on system failure isn't working for me, even though it's selected and shows up in Last_Session.ini. I've tried 1.2.1, and 1.3RC, same deal. Using clean source of XP SP2 (Home and Pro). Disable Start menu popup on first boot isn't working either. Everything else appears to be functioning properly. [Tweaks] Boot and Shutdown-Disable automatic restart on System Failure Boot and Shutdown-Do not Parse Autoexec.bat Desktop-Internet Explorer icon-Show Desktop-My Computer icon-Show Desktop-My Documents icon-Show Explorer-Add 'Command Prompt' to folder context menu Explorer-Advanced Search: preconfigure options Explorer-Change Explorer Folder View to: details Explorer-Classic Control Panel Explorer-Show extensions of known file-types Explorer-Show the full path in the Address Bar Explorer-Show the full path in the Title Bar Internet Explorer-Disable Market Place bookmark Internet Explorer-Disable Media Player 6.4 created bookmarks Internet Explorer-Set Homepage-www.google.com Internet Explorer-Set IE-Cache limit to-20 MB Internet Explorer-Set Internet Explorer to accept 10 connects at a time Network-Disable administrative shares Start Menu-Disable popup on first boot Taskbar-Disable Group similar Taskbar buttons Taskbar-Disable Hide inactive icons Taskbar-Disable Language-Bar Taskbar-Disable Windows Tour popup
EDIT: I swear I've triple checked this code and missed the problem repeatedly, but I just spotted it thanks to replying to xehqter. I had an extra equal sign in the .INI, in the CMD for Dell. Oops. THANKS for all your help and this great program. Here's the error I had: CMD==".\Dell\setkey.cmd" I'm a frickin' retard, sorry.
My issue is still unresolved. Today I used my CD on an Emachine. Worked great. I think that's just about every OEM there is, all using the exact same cmd files. I can't figure out why the Dells and only Dells refuse to automatically accept the product key. I'm going to try the new version of OEMScan and extract the BIOS files from the Home and Pro Dell CDs I have and see if that helps.
There is no key in winnt.sif. The only place I have a product key is in the setkey.cmd. Here's my winnt.sif for reference. winnt.sif [Data] MSDosInitiated=0 UnattendedInstall=Yes [GuiUnattended] TimeZone = 035 DetachedProgram=".\system32\cmd.exe" ;CD Based install Arguments="/Q /C FOR /F %I IN (%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\$WINNT$.INF) DO (FOR %J IN (%IOEM) DO (IF EXIST %J (start /min /D%J NirCmd.exe exec hide oemscan.cmd)))" [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=WORKGROUP
Yeah, I know there's more than one way to accomplish this, but I want to make this work as is. I'm kind of obsessive like that. Anyway, I just tried the CD on a Sony VAIO, and it worked flawlessly. Same setkey.cmd, same product key. And again, for reemphasis the Dells take the exact product key from the setkey.cmd if I type it into the product key box. This is annoying enough to cause me great frustration.
My CD has been working fine on all OEM systems I've tried it with, except for Dells. I know I have the Dell folder setup correctly, I got the product keys directly from a winnt.sif on actual Dell CDs. Anyway, on a Dell everything works according to my log, except the setkey.cmd fails for some reason. If I manually type the same exact key in, Windows setup accepts it and no activation is required. I'm not sure where to begin troubleshooting this. It seems as if everything should in fact work seamlessly, but for some reason Dell's just don't want to cooperate. I don't have the logs in front of me, but on both Dells that failed, everything was successful minus the setkey.cmd, which FAILED. Like I said, other OEM brands, everything works great. The really strange thing about that is I'm using the Dell key for every brand, but the Dells won't take their own key. Setkey.cmd @ECHO OFF for %%i in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do if exist %%i\WIN51 set CDROM=%%i %CDROM%\OEM\NirCmd.exe inisetval %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\$WINNT$.INF "UserData" "ProductKey" "~qXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX~q" exit Anyone have any ideas/suggestions on what I can do to debug this?
Figured that part out, but if I put that line in there, will it disable the ability to do a Repair install with the CD?
I've done alot of reading about this, and unless I'm misunderstanding something, anything in /$OEM$/$1/install in my installation source folder should be copied to the C:\install folder during a Windows installation. Even though its setup this way, the folder is not being copied during the installation. What am I missing? EDIT: nevermind, it's been a long weekend. I figured out the problem.. I didn't have OEMPreinstall=yes in the answer file.