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Everything posted by Using98SEUntilVistaIsWorking?

  1. It worked! First time! Great! Fantastic!! Many many thanks... now i can dump the Winamp, even though it looked like a better product than WMP9 i try to keep as few programs on as possible to increase speed and reduce configuration problems. This Rainy Shadow must be the silver lining in the dark cloud that was over me before you solved this problem... thanks again.
  2. WMP9 works fine... except it will no longer download anything and neither would the older version WMP6.4 so i downloaded Winamp and once i began using it the WMP6.4 began playing the sound from eBay Radio. Since WMP6.4 was now working i downloaded WMP9 again but it still will not play anything... so i dumped it and at least have the WMP6.4 to use and the Winamp plays better than the WMP9 did sooooo if the WMP9 can't be easily fixed i'll make do with what i have until the Vista release has the major bugs out of it and will then upgrade.
  3. i've been using WM9 since it was designed for 98SE until this happened... is there a way to fix this problem?
  4. i was listening to eBay Radio yesterday and when i closed the file there was an unusual snapping sound so i tried to reopen it and all i could get was the button would say Ready but not respond to being clicked. By going to the mp3 format a small WMP opens in the left side of the screen and after 15-20 seconds an error message from Miscrosoft pops up in the large window on the right side telling me there's an error. After much clicking here and there the FAQ tells me the WMP9 is known for stopping while listening to the Internet radio and a hotload fix is needed so i clicked to download it and a couple of error message pop up: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Top pop up error: Error Starting Program The WINDOWSMEDIA9-KB840648-X86-ENU.EXE file is linked to missing export NTDLL.DLL:NtShutdownSystem. Pop up error beneath the top error message: "C:\My Documents\Download\Programs\windowsmedia9-kb840649-x86-enu.exe" Access to the specified device, path, or file is denied. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After much searching here and there i didn't find any answer so i tried the Add/Remove Programs to uninstall my WMP9 and renistall a new one... it won't let me... instead it offers to restore my original version that came with my computer so i now have it... i think it was WMP6 or 7. By going online i downloaded Windows Media Player 9 Series (for Windows 98 SE, Me, and 2000) and rebooted... but the same problem. After much searching again i came here... hoping someone has been there and done that and will please tell me how to fix it?
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