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About Samo99

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  1. If you don't understand English then it would be wise to learn it. Why? I need not. I am specialist.I am Slovak. You show to me,that you better as me.You are only England s***.You can only your language.It is all.
  2. FOR ALL. I’m terribly sorry. Hej Draku, chces len zalohovat, a ci aj napalovat citlive informacie. Nie som PC odbornik, ale pripadas mi trochu rozhodeny.Na ukladanie zabezpecenych ! zaloh je moj prispevok 1. Na ostatne by ti mohla dat inspiraciu http://keepass.sourceforge.net/ FOR ALL. I’m terribly sorry.I’am afraid,I’am 41yers old-welder.I don’t understand well in English.
  3. Diky moc, skusim to. Jste z Slovenska? Thanks, I'll have a look at Secret Record v. 3. Any other suggestions? Is encrypting a CD/DVD possible? Ano, od Žiliny. Skype: mivanko9119
  4. Ak som ti spravne rozumel tak: Secret record v.3 by malo byt to co hladas.Odskusal som ho - funguje.
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