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Posts posted by sabregreen

  1. @jvidal

    I read exactly what you said. You said, "except probably the occache error, which is irrelevant." Either you had the error or you didn't, it wasn't clear. Thats why I asked. The error is not suppose to be there, therefore its not irrelevant. I was testing through to see what was causing the error and obviously, there are many situations I cannot test for, only mine. I figured since you were getting the error you could give me concrete results.

    You answered my question about slipstreaming a new disk AFTER I asked you to answer my questions from my previous posts. You never said whether you could or couldn't slipstream a new disk before me asking in post 2084.

  2. I had asked if you could create a new slipstreamed disc. That's the question you didn't answer. I read your posts. Just needed a yes or no.

    You day probably the occache.dll error. It's either in the setuperr or it's not. Did you check?

    So far I have no issues, ie6/7/8.

  3. Thats what I did. I compared line by line. As you will see, the different(and problem) comes from the code block right near the middle, which is line 2414. Something in that block is doing something that IE doesn't like, across all IE versions. This is where I've been looking at and plan to have some time today.

  4. @jvidal

    Can you create a new slipstream disc and slipstream ie7. Don't install ie8. Look at the desktop ie8 icon. Is it the ie6 icon, and what happens when you double click on it? You aren't really giving a clear answer as to what you have slipstreamed and what errors you have found.

  5. Like I said, no pop ups come up with the error. You wot even know it if you slipstream ie8. But if you slipstream ie7 or keep ie6, the desktop icon is messed up. In ie7's case, it's the ie6 icon ok the desktop. The point of this is that this error doesn't exist using the the g/d version of this script. I'm trying to find the common denominator. What you were saying gave different results therefore I wanted to see if it was something specific you were doing. But I willing to bet if you tried slipstreaming ie7 with the k version of the script you would have the same messed up desktop icon and the errr in setuperr.

  6. You are the only one so far that has said you don't have any errors. There must be something different then with your case. Can you create another slipstreamed xp disc. You don't get errors during setup or any pop ups. You only have errors in setuperr.log.

  7. Weird, I'm also slipstreaming xpsp3 (vol)+ie8+wmp11 and don't see any of those errors. It works just fine for me (except for the show desktop icon)

    Can you zip up your hfslip.log and post it?

    Is your source already slipstreamed with sp3 or is hfslip doing it?


  8. I just wanted to make sure that it wasn't limited to the Volume License version which allows you to slipstream IE7. I'm not exactly sure what the error is but I'll keep digging. If you slipstream IE7 or keep IE6, you will get that error in setuperr.log, however, the IE icon on the desktop will not function properly.

    So I'm still looking into this issue, just been rather limited on time with school and work. But I will keep digging at it.

  9. As i used a Volume License and integrated IE8 also. The only line i added was shown in post 2002.

    This is my contents of setuperr.log:

    Setup could not register the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\system32\occache.dll because of the following error:

    GetProcAddress returned error 127 (the specified procedure could not be found).

    Perfect. Exactly what I needed. This verifies that the issue is in the code block. Thanks!

  10. @ geigs

    Can you check your setuperr.log file in the "Windows" directory? I want to know if there are any errors in there when you slipstream IE8. Also, what kind of windows copy do you have, Volume License or Retail/OEM?

    @ tommyp

    for that block of code I added IF DEFINED IE8EXE to execute that block and I can get IE6/7 to work. IE8 works but there is still the OLE error in setuperr. Thats why I want to see if geigs is getting the same thing. I created three VM's to test all three versions at once. When I get home tonight I will see if anything is different as I am making small changes to narrow this down. Thanks!

  11. The issue with the current "k" version is the following code:

    IF EXIST WORK\I386E\dxtmsft.dll (
    REN WORK\I386E\dxtmsft.dll dxtmsft2.dll
    REN WORK\I386E\dxtrans.dll dxtrans2.dll
    REN WORK\I386E\mshtmled.dll mshtmld2.dll
    REN WORK\I386E\mstime.dll mstime2.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT COPY/Y %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\dxtmsft2.dll %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\dllcache\dxtmsft.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT DEL/Q/F %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\dxtmsft.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT REN %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\dxtmsft2.dll dxtmsft.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT COPY/Y %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\dxtrans2.dll %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\dllcache\dxtrans.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT DEL/Q/F %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\dxtrans.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT REN %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\dxtrans2.dll dxtrans.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT COPY/Y %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\mshtmld2.dll %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\dllcache\mshtmled.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT DEL/Q/F %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\mshtmled.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT REN %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\mshtmld2.dll mshtmled.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT COPY/Y %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\mstime2.dll %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\dllcache\mstime.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT DEL/Q/F %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\mstime.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT REN %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\mstime2.dll mstime.dll
    REN WORK\I386E\iepeers.dll iepeers2.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT COPY/Y %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\iepeers2.dll %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\dllcache\iepeers.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT DEL/Q/F %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\iepeers.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT REN %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\iepeers2.dll iepeers.dll
    :: Problem with wininet.dll in IE7 for Server 2003 and in IE8 - Replace at T-13
    REN WORK\I386E\wininet.dll wininet3.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT COPY/Y %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\wininet3.dll %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\dllcache\wininet.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT REN %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\wininet.dll wininet.old
    ECHO>>WORK\HFSLIPCMDP1.TXT REN %%SYSTEMROOT%%\system32\wininet3.dll wininet.dll
    :: Delaying replacement of wininet.dll requires delaying replacement of iertutil.dll and urlmon.dll - Replace from SYSOC.INF
    REN WORK\I386E\urlmon.dll urlmon3.dll
    ECHO>>WORK\HFS_SYS32.TXT iertutil.dll&ECHO>>WORK\HFSSDF.TXT iertutil.dll=1
    ECHO>>WORK\HFS_SYS32.TXT urlmon.dll,urlmon3.dll&ECHO>>WORK\HFSSDF.TXT urlmon3.dll=1
    ECHO>>SOURCESS\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF iertutil.dll = 1,,,,,,,,3,3&ECHO>>SOURCESS\I386\DOSNET.INF d1,iertutil.dll
    ECHO>>SOURCESS\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF urlmon3.dll = 1,,,,,,,,3,3&ECHO>>SOURCESS\I386\DOSNET.INF d1,urlmon3.dll

    The directx error that I've seen mentioned here about being fixed in these last couple versions I do not get using version "g". However, using the "k" version unmodified gives me the OLE error in setuperr. Using version "g" results in no errors for me in setuperr. Likewise, removing the above code results in no errors in setuperr. I do not have time to test this tonight but I will tomorrow to see whats going on. Also note I am slipstreaming IE7 not IE8 nor have I tried to. I am using the March2009 redist directx and I have a volume licensed copy of xp which allows IE7 to be slipstreamed. I have also triple checked my hotfix list and it replicates whats on the current list maintained here.

    Just figured I would point this out

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