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Everything posted by WilliamW1979

  1. I am surprized no one put an answer to this problem. The reason there is a problem with MessageBox has nothing really to do with MessageBox but with WM_PAINT. If you remove WM_PAINT completely from your WndProc function, then the system handles the creation of the window which in turn makes the Message Box appear immediatly without needing to press ALT to view it. The reason ALT allows you to view it is because WM_PAINT for the MessageBox itself is not in your program but in the system, and the window has to redraw for the popup window you create for the Move and Close fuctions that Alt unlocks. Also you will notice if you pressed ALT and the MessageBox extends past your parent window, the MessageBox will be cut off, but it won't be if you didn't have WM_PAINT declared as one of your switch cases for WinProc. Hopefully that pointed you in the right directon to fix your problem. Will PS - A simple solution to get you by might be to put the WM_PAINT as the second to last declarion with default being the last declaration. Then remove or comment out break; so that after WM_PAINT is called, your painting functions first and then WM_PAINT will be passed through the system next.
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