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Posts posted by mushu13

  1. Oh, you're trying to recompile the installer after unpacking it with innounp? Yeah, that's not going to work at all.

    I provide the source code and all necessary support files on the website. Download that, along with the binary archive, extract all of it to the same directly, then try making your changes and compiling a new installer.


    I can't believe I missed the .iss file in the source archive.

    Oh well. Now I know to double check the source!

  2. As for your problem, I really can't think of what would cause that. LangRead is a custom function that I wrote, but it'sincluded in the uniextract15.iss file (or uniextract16.iss). Assuming that's what you're trying to compile, and the file didn't get corrupt or truncated or anything, it should just work.
    I did some research :D

    The reason it won't recompile is because innounp won't decompile the

     section from the installer.

    Instead it just extracts the compiled code into 'embedded\CompiledCode.bin'

    There is a way to decompile the .bin using the ROPS Disassembler from the innounp site. However, it produces a code file that seems to require modification to be reused in IS.

    As you can see, there are a few choices:

    1. Create a personal installer (use IS to package your UniExtract directory)

    2. Wait for a new release

    3. Convince Nitro to post the needed code

    4. 'fix' the decompiled code

    My suggestion is 1, then 2

    Glad I could help you guys! (keeps me from getting in trouble elsewhere :lol:)

  3. Second time a request this: possibility to unpack password protected rar files.

    This should already be possible. When the console window opens to display the current unrar process, it should prompt you to enter a password to extract the RAR file. Does this not happen for you?

    The command windows opens, but it *looks* like it can't be typed in. It just doesn't echo what your typing, so it seems like you are not typing. Possibly contact the UnRar author to see if the password can be shown as * in a future release.

  4. You can create a SendTo shortcut that opens the file in the UniExtract GUI and by default will extract to the '/sub' directory if you just hit enter. This will actually be included as an option in the 1.6 installer. Does that work for you, or are you just really wanting to skip that "hit Enter" step?
    That is currently what I'm doing, but sometimes it becomes annoying.

    So after my previous post I poked around in the source an came up with a way to have UniExtract to accept the /sub in either the first or second positions.

    if $cmdline[0] = 0 then
    $prompt = 1
    if $cmdline[1] == "/help" OR $cmdline[1] == "/h" OR $cmdline[1] == "/?" _
    OR $cmdline[1] == "-h" OR $cmdline[1] == "-?" then
    terminate("syntax", "", "")
    $prompt = 1;GUI on
    if fileexists($cmdline[1]) then ;Check for file in first spot
    $file = $cmdline[1]
    elseif $cmdline[1] = "/sub" then ;Check for /sub in first spot
    if fileexists($cmdline[2]) then ;Check for file in second spot
    $file = $cmdline[2]
    $outdir = $cmdline[1]
    $prompt = 0 ;GUI off
    terminate("syntax", "", "")
    terminate("syntax", "", "")
    if $cmdline[0] > 1 and $cmdline[1] <> "/sub" then
    $outdir = $cmdline[2]
    $prompt = 0 ;GUI off

    ; If no file passed, display GUI to select file and set options

    Is is kind of sloppy (In my mind at least) but basically its a replacement for the beginning of the current ReadPrefs() section. I realize your source is probably very different from the current public source, but maybe this could inspire you to find a way to implement this in the next version.

  5. Would it be possible to request the ability to use the '/sub' switch before the archive?


    UniExtract.exe /sub "c:\whatever.zip"


    I dislike adding more entries to the context menu. I try to use a SendTo shortcut if possible, and the way shortcuts work it is not possible to have switches after a dropped file. (That I know of)

  6. If I remember correctly, this is a Windows thing, your wallpaper needs to be a bmp.

    The reason the display properties can use a non bmp is because it re-saves the picture as a bmp to "C:\Documents And Settings\(user)\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Wallpaper1.bmp"

    So, just make your wallpaper a bmp. That *should* fix the issue.

  7. partially succeeded in method 4)

    (the USB stick is good for one install, then the files on it must be re-generated, I am still working on a way to undelete them and thus make direct re-use possible) Though I had no time to develop it, I am working along the line of re-calculating FAT tables to be able to save (and later restore) sectors that list directory entries with findpart. If anyone has some ideas or knows a better app to do the above is welcome to make suggestions.

    I have been trying to install XP from my pendrive for the couple weeks, and I have been watching your posts, very helpful by the way, and I believe you should try it with a pendrive that has a Read-Only switch on it. That *should* eliminate the need to 're-generate' the files. :D
  8. ...but I was forced to make a new account not just admin and guest, and called it 'user'

    now and I repair windows, it adds a account 'user' next to the other accounts on the machine

    I just need to beable to repair/edit windows, and errors, and not touch the user accounts other then windows updates from my update packs.

    I would also like to not have to make another user. :)
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