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Posts posted by tonich

  1. Hi,

    Please, try this one: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/win/157635


    This one: http://drivers.viaarena.com/cn896_vista_15...0316170329).zip

    Please, let us know if it works!

    It seems that VIA has cut off Win98 support for this chip, in order to gain a f*cking Vista license from Microsoft. Looks like a dirty deal to me... :realmad:


    Well, it seems that P4M900 is a NO-NO for Windows 98: http://www.tkarena.com/forums/video-graphi...00mc-win98.html

    Thus, I have to remove it from the list above.

    Apologizes to everyone for the misinformation.

    G8YMW, I do hope your dealer would be kind enough to replace the MOBO


  2. As for Bulgaria, after browsing the official Biostar importer’s site, I can see only 1 motherboard available for sell for the time being:


    K8M800 Micro AM2

    Somewhere else it is possible to have something more, but this is just in Bulgaria. Biostar has many MOBOs with VIA (especially for Intel processors), so anything with VIA should be an option. If there is a local importer for Biostar.


  3. BTW,

    This MOBO uses the very same chipset and has 2 IDE channels, but 2 PCI Slots: http://www.biostar.com.tw/app/en-us/mb/content.php?S_ID=141

    This one is fully compatible too. :hello:

    I was able to get it working, just like the MSI’s one, described above.

    The BIOS menu was little too complicated, though.

    Since I was playing with both MOBOs, I’d say I’d go for the MSI now and then, it looks a bit better to me.

    I had to go for the Biostar, as I needed several MOBOs, while the MSI importer for Bulgaria ran out of stock with K9MM-V, because I bought the last available ones. The company hardly believe, it will import this model any further.

    So my advice is:

    If you need a modern MOBO for Win98, grab one of those babies, while you can!

    You'll get AM2 and DDR2 capabilities. :rolleyes:

    Anyway, Taiwan power (VIA, MSI, Biostar) rocks under Win98!!! :thumbup



    Are you using the NUSB stuff available from this forum on it ok?

    Works OK!

  4. Report!:

    A successfull win98 install on MSI K9MM-V with:

    1. Athlon LE-1640 (2.6 GHz)

    2. 160 GB SATA2 hdd (works in SATA1 mode)

    3. 1x1GB Ram DDR2 800

    4. All drivers from MSI site

    Workarround (at least what i did):

    1. Set SATA Mode in BIOS to "RAID"

    2. Make partitions of HDD less than 128 GB.

    3. Immediately after windows instalation, edit system.ini file, to define how OS will use the 1 gb RAM.

    4. VIA has all the desired drivers, so do not bother for that!

    Windows 98SE is FAST! :thumbup

  5. Anyone else on steam workaround? :unsure:


    Rank 2:

    Alpine Ski Racing 2007 (shouldn't run on Win98, but works fine, no patching) :thumbup

    Note: I installed it under WinXP, as I have a double boot system.

    Not sure whether it can be installed under Win98, thought. I just didn't try.

  6. It’s about time for this thread, eh? :thumbup

    Rank 2:

    Torino 2006 (shouldn't run on Win98, but runs flawlessly, no patching!)


    As for HL2, I’m pretty sure win98 handles it perfectly, but as long as it uses Steam, it is unable to get the game working.

    Need a workaround to get rid the steam.

    On the other hand, Source engine is fully Win98 compatible!

    Valve had fully working Steam under win98 until last summer, when they stopped to support this OS via Steam.

    Steamless HL2 is the only way to go under Win98. (Assuming you own the game) :rolleyes:

  7. Maybe last new MBO which support Windows 98 SE has come to the market. This is:

    AsRock ALiveDual-eSATA2

    This MBO support new AMD Phenom microprocessors !!!

    nForce3 Chipset is not good for Win98…

    No benefits of Phenom Quad Core under Win98, either

    You should not mess up with this MB under 98, I suppose… its not worth spending money for hardware, you cannot take advantage of…

    A guess, the best option for the time being is a cheap ECS P4M800Pro-M2 or Foxconn P4M9007MB with Celeron Conroe-L, which can handle BSEL mod too. The combo price should be around $100 :rolleyes:

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