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Everything posted by ozzieball

  1. I don't think I removed the default system fonts, unless I did somewhere and didn't know about it. I think I could include more of the languages but I don't know if that is going to affect the problem I have now
  2. First off, let me say that I love NLite. It is such a time saver and an extreme help but I have run into a problem. On computers that have an NLited version of XP, text that is printed out in Veranda will be garbled. The printer is set up through a network connection. I have searched and searched and can not find any sort of problem. I have attached images of what should be printed and what is actually printed. Also, I have attached my last_session.ini that shows what components I removed. Any one have any ideas? What should print: What actually prints: Another example: LAST_SESSION.INI
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