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Everything posted by kryption224

  1. Thank you. I think it came down to it needed to be the main site, instead of being in the default virtual directory. I was playing with the header thinking thats what it did but couldnt find any info on it at technet2.microsoft.com
  2. I have a Windows 2003 Web ED server. IIS has a Virtual Directory that has a sales application in it. the program can me accessed thru IP/salesprogram. the actual files are in C:\program files\Company\salesprogram. I have a site maindomain.com hosted by a provider. I made a subdomain thru them salesprogram.maindomain.com. Everything is good to there. They told me to make a PTR to the server. So I put (A) (of server) salesprogram.maindomain.com WAN IP. Also NS salesprogram.maindomain.com WAN, and reverse lookup 192.16.25.xxx with a PTR salesprogram.maindomain.com. Know the problem is I need the Virtual Directory to be linked to the salesprogram.maindomain.com. I dont know tomuch about IIS. The Virtual Directory is a child of Default, that has nothing in it. Tried to link in Website tab, next to the IP Address Advance button, but in the Virtual Directory it does not have that option. Im boggoled. The provider knows nothing about FQDN, its kinda scary if Im there only customer that has thought of this idea.
  3. Im a newb to IIS and linking a page to a FQDN. I have a site that is being hosted by a provider but have another site that Im hosting in house that is a sub domain. sub.main.com. I have the sub.main.com linked with the ip thru the provider. The problem is getting the subdomain to responded when goin to the site. Im baffled. I thought i just had to make a ptr record and point it to the directory that i wanted it to respond to but im lost. please help?
  4. Thank you for the help. I ment , as the networks.
  5. I have a DHCP on a server with dual nic's. I have noticed that the DHCP server is on either of the ports. let say i have a class c, 192.168.1.xxx/24 network. i have 1.2 and 1.5 on the nic's. i what DHCP on just the 1.2 nic. This would be so that all the network services dhcp, dns on that nic. then have 1.5 set up for internal site that will have a dns name to it. and monitor it thru remote desktop. Is there a way to keep Dhcp on just the 1.2 nic or not?
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