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Posts posted by Pete_

  1. I tryed to install Java (jxpiinstall.exe) silently with /quiet switch, works just fine but it brings some error message about network settings

    during unattended install, is there a switch which would overcome this error, or is network connection needed when java is installed?

    Thanks in advance! :)

  2. Take a look at either Microsoft's Business Desktop Deployment (BDD) v 2.5 or DiegoStart. Both are free, and while BDD relies on WinPE, DiegoStart uses BartPE. Either way, both have a lot of thought put into installing Windows over the network with many scripts and logic in place to configure and customize the entire installation process including applications.

    It surprised me how quick it was, but using DiegoStart I was able to install XP over a wireless connection.

    Regardless of if you use them or not, a great deal of knowledge can be learned from the documentation and the scripts used.

    Which one of BDD do you recommend Standard or Enterprise? I guess Standard is good enough for home LAN :Dhttp://www.microsoft.com/downloads/results...;DisplayLang=en

  3. Hi!

    Is it possible to install unattended XP from .iso file via LAN to another PC? I guess I need to make some kind of start disc or CD to the target PC and then write some commands, that it connects to right ip and share folder where the iso file is and then it should go normally unattended the setup just the same as from CD or DVD?

    Thanks in advance! You guys are great :thumbup

  4. Hi!

    I tryed to add user Heikki as administrator, but when the first boot comes, it doesn't recognize it as a admin, and popups the attached screen.

    ps. Järjestelmänvalvoja = Administrator

    Järjestelmänvalvojat = Administrators






    net user Järjestelmänvalvoja /delete

    net user Heikki /add

    net localgroup Järjestelmänvalvojat Heikki /add

    net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

    REGEDIT /S autologon.reg

    shutdown.exe -r -f -t 10



    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]





  5. Hi!

    I tryed to add my user to Administrators group with the cmdlines method, but after testing with Virtual PC, it popuped the user selection menu during first boot, that my user didn't have administrative rights, i have a Finnish version Windows XP, do I have to change the /add command, to change the line "Administratives" to Finnish version, because its translated if you go to Computer Management > Users & Groups


    EDIT: Do I have to edit the useraccounts.cmd like this:

    net user Heikki heikki /add

    net localgroup Järjestelmänvalvojat Heikki /add

    net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

    REGEDIT /S autologon.reg

    net user Järjestelmänvalvoja /delete




  6. In the Extras folder of autoit in the start menu there will be a folder called extras... there you can find a decompile command allowing you to change the .exe back to .au3.

    Whenever I use autoit scripts I always put them in the same dir as the setup.exe and dont use a path. EX:

    Run ( "Setup.exe" )

    that way you wont run into this problem.

    Thank you for the tip, Daedlus ;)

  7. I looked the screenshots and upgrades than comes with Vista, personally i think all the 3d-thing, Rolex-clock in the right hand menu, RDS-news feeds, etc. are only tiny tiny enhancements, is there really anything usefull updates? :D Wouldn't want to give 15gb for Vista, only for these and some new games like Mahjongg :lol:

    Maybe you should do more reading and less looking at the pictures?

    It isn't even based on the same kernel anymore. WDDM (D3D10) is enough to write a book on; the new way it handles audio streams could be similarly long. The entirely new network stack and kernel level interface with TOE/RSS/RDMA functions take up about 100 pages in their whitepaper form and is incredibly different than what we have now. Native support for IA32/IA64/x86-64 architectures versus some tacked-on BS with XP is also incredibly different. Even the entirely new driver interface is WORLDS better in terms of performance, stability and functionality than the NT5.x kernel.

    To someone who just looks at the screenshots, you might somehow say "well, you can do that with XP." The reality is, no you can't. You can't have sub-0.5ms response times from any audio streams let alone ones processed in full 32-bit floating point format. You can't virtualize video ram and send "multithreaded" apps to GPU functional resources. You can't use TCPOE technology nor receive side scaling on your network interface, the list can go on for miles. What is all that crap I just spewed and why is any of that important? Maybe you should go read a bit :)

    I've mentioned it before on this forum elsewhere, and I'm going to reiterate it here. Vista will be the single biggest leap into new OS technology that Microsoft has ever undertaken. And yeah, it's going to soak up more resources because of the new features.

    A Kia Rio can haul you back and forth to work daily without issue.

    A BMW 745iL can haul you back and forth to work daily without issue.

    Why might someone buy a BMW over a Kia?

    Why might someone buy Vista over XP?

    Yes ofcourse theres is something new, otherwise there wouldn't be sense to sell it, because nobody would buy it :D (This was mostly a joke, because every vista page, is showing huge collection of screenshots and the 3d effects, but its not even nearly the reasons why people will buy it when it comes out) :)

  8. There was once a enterprise review in newspaper, and ofcourse our friend Microsoft won it, they said it's the best place of employment to have, don't remember the other canditates, was it IBM and HP the following ones.

    I guess it's not easy to have even a trainee place from MS, there's so many good canditates going there on queue :D

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