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Posts posted by zeroFX

  1. As far as I understand this one, I need your file Winpe3.0ver0.1.rar. But the link is dead. You may also want to check for some spelling and/or command errors in your first post, like:

    3. mount the winoe image so that we can edit it

    D:\ Program Files\Windows AIKTools\x86\imagex" /mountrw D:\winpe_x86\winpe.wim 1 %D:\winpe_x86\mount

    Thx :) . . . Oh, and btw: anyone got an idea why I cant log in w/ FF but w/ IE? Cookies?? -> just PM me

  2. A portable version is of some practical use, if you often use your software on different computers and don't want to install it on(to) each one. Not willing to install software on different systems is not the same as/doesn't equal not having the rights to do so. ;)

    Also there are some portables of Nero on the net, but as far as i know, they already include a (pirate) key. So their use would be illegal. If there was a popup asking for a/the key – or a way to incorporate your own key – that would possibly be legal. But i don't know that for shure.

  3. When I click the first link for Nero Lite latest version English I get "file not found" from iFile. I assume this is the same problem others are having. Have you tried this link?

    Nero Lite

    Actually not. I always use the european version as I'm german. Didn't think about the english-only link. Sry, my bad. But you may just use that version, too, till the english-only file is reuploaded.
  4. Most software issues there are no different and that kinda stuff is in a seperate section.

    There are some ppl making not so bad XP-CDs. (To change the keys to owned and legal ones isn't really a challange.)

    And btw: you should always know the enemy well *hrhr* ;)

  5. zeroFX, what do you mean? Normally everything is selected. Only people with enough knowledge do understand what each option is about anyway.
    I think there is a little difference in the purpose of Nero Lite/Micro (to save space) and the setup settings leading to the installation of all languages of the package and so using up space.

    I know it's not that much space. But as there are bitmap resource optimisations, it seems a little odd. But that's just my opinion. :)

  6. What is bitmap resource optimisations? :blushing:

    Do the neros (micro/lite) have all languages (so i can choose dutch?)

    "Bitmap resource optimisations" reffers to the bitmaps inside dll or exe files (symbols, icons) that are optimised in size, to reduce the overall size of the package.

    And yes, all relevant languages are included in one of the packages. To be able to choose dutch you'll -obviously- have to download the european version. You may then deseledt the other languages if not needed.

    And unless you don't have a BD or HD-DVD writer, there is no big diff. between 7 and 8, so chose whatever you like.

    Personally i like the Nero 7 icons more than Nero 8's. But what are icons good for when making CDs? ^^

    EDIT: As you can choose your setup/default installation language at the beginning of the setup, i suggest to have the other languages deselected by default. Not many users have a multilanguage software environment.

  7. Hi Acheron,

    thanks for all the great work. The link to the micro (europe) release on your site refers to the lite version ;)

    have a great day & cu


    The links seem to be correct as of now but the file size information indeed refer to tose of the corresponding lite not micro releases.

    E.g. "file size: 44.1 MB" for the european micro, should be more like "file size: 20.2 MB".

    btw: thx for the finals :D

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