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Posts posted by jabo2k3

  1. I want to have an exe running server-side (on a Windows server) but I want the user to be able to control the program through their browser.

    I thought perhaps running a remotedesktop session through the browser like Microsoft's Visual Studio .net 2003 online demo thing would do it but I really don't want to have to do that.

    Is there an ActiveX control I can use perhaps?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  2. ntl:home 1Mbit :) £34:99 p/m (i can afford that easily and i'm a student, so enough complaining!)

    Can't wait until ntl offer 2Mbit like Blueyonder but it won't be for a while since they'll need to upgrade their network to increase capacity (ntl currently have around 1 Million subscribers)

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