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Posts posted by zorphnog

  1. Please look at http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=80015 for updated enhancement

    Ok. This was really bothering me that it was unchecking the programs that were going to install by default anyway. In my opinion this is a bug, the user should not be able to uncheck an item that is going to install no matter what. So I made a fix that will not uncheck the programs that have the FORCE option set. Additionally, it will not uncheck the FORCED programs when Select None is clicked. This way the user KNOWS that these programs are going to be installed. This would also help out with the overall interface. Now there is no need for the Force installations on exit option, because the FORCED programs will never become unchecked. I hope this is useful. I haven't tested it extensively, so let me know if there are any problems. The two files changed are Check.js and Boxes.js. If you want to know what I changed let me know and I'll post the individual changes.

    edit: Well actually the installation on exit is still useful so disregard that comment.


    In boxes.js modify lines 139 and 144 from the original 5.2 boxes.js file to:

    txt += 'onclick="checkDeps(' + i + '); checkCategory(' + i + '); checkForce(' + i + ')"';

    In check.js make the following changes:

    1. In the setUnchecked function add

    if (forc[i]!=null && forc[i]=='yes')

    in the else clause after

    if (elem==null) 

    2. Add the following function:

    function checkForce(i)

    var elem = document.getElementById("chkbox"+i);

    if(forc[i]!=null && forc[i]=='yes')

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