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Everything posted by ChronoDog

  1. Yay, solved it! Looked up how to add folders and stumbled upon this (step 8) The corrupt key wasn't at that location, but in the same one under HKCU instead of HKLM
  2. Thank you for the reply and the info. I've tried looking around the registry for that key, but it apparently refers only to the context menu of "My Computer"... I've also tried to look for "My Computer" and "My Documents" by Data info in regedit, found nothing useful Perhaps the actual root menu of it has a different name..?
  3. Not sure of whether this is the right forum to post this in, please move if necessary. While doing some shell objects modifying with the Shell Object Editor proggy, I've copied the "My Documents" shell object into "My Computer". I'm not sure exactly how it works, but my goal was to have the regular user documents folder show up within My Computer. As soon as I did that, both Shell Object Editor and Explorer crashed (I've had Explorer open in the "My Computer" root tree). After Explorer re-initialized, I've tried running Shell Object Editor again to undo it, but to no avail, the program just won't run at all. Reinstalling doesn't help. The bigger problem is, anyway, the fact that whenever I view the My Computer root tree from within any kind of file browser (Directory Opus, X2, etc. plus built-in file browsers such as in Photoshop and other software), the whole program crashes completely, same goes for Explorer My only ways of modifying the CLSIDs now is through RegEdit or ShellExView (tried disabling numerous ones with it, but nothing seems to help) but I have no idea which one is responsible for generating these crashes. If any of you ever encountered a similar error or has any idea of how to solve it, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions, ideas or help. Thanks in advance
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