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Everything posted by esnaff

  1. "CONVERT" is command tool used for converting true color images (640x480x24 windows bmp image) So you should use command prompt and navigate up to folder where the program is. Syntax: convert <-bmp2csi | -csi2bmp> <-o outputfile> <inputfile> Example: I had an image named "image.bmp" in a folder together with convert.exe C:\tools\convert>convert -bmp2csi -o image.csi image.bmp CD Shell Image conversion utility, Version 1.1 Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Michael K Ter Louw Visit http://www.cdshell.org for terms of use. Bitmap image verified 640x480x24. Encoding CD Shell Image (version 1)... Image encoded successfully. Dont use convert.exe on 320x240x8 images. PS Open command prompt from START>Run using "cmd" in case u didnt know
  2. You could try this: http://www.cdshell.org/doc/startup.html You should use "convert" tool in /TOOLS folder where u installed cdshell for making .csi files. (640x480x24)
  3. Yes, I have tried the /S switch before. That one eliminates some of the dialogues but not all of them. So Autoit it is.. PS I wouldnt have posted if I havent searched the net (and this forum) before.
  4. Im trying to put DU Super Controler 1.90 on my WinXP unattended CD. The program is used for limiting the up/down speed of internet connection. I have searched up and down and I cant find the silent install switches. Has anyone came across this program? (www.homeqos.com) Or is Autoit the only solution for unattended install? Note. The program itself installs new network drivers (i guess pass-trough driver) and sometimes dialog about non-certified driver install pops up.
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