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El Matador Y Tyrannos

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Posts posted by El Matador Y Tyrannos

  1. Hello people !

    I have read this topic, and I'm interrested in eliminate the error 1406 on an unattended installation of Win XP + Office.

    So, I saw this :

    I have a question

    Can I run this via the setupparams in winnt.sif. which runs at T-9 ?

    Sure, if it gives an error there.

    I'll explain this script soon btw, when I have some time.

    I'm very interrested in using this method unstead of using AutoIt... How can I ?

  2. First I launched the batchfile from the Windows-disk (Disc One), you can of course also refer to %SystemDrive% or whatever. :)

    Second, I launched CDswitch.

    Third, I launched the second batchfile from Disc Two (you can also refer to another location of course).

    Quite simply ! :D

    Thank you very much for the help and of course the program ! :thumbup

  3. Ok, now I don't use /f :P.

    is the batch file located on the disc that you're ejecting?

    That's right, my batch file is located in my own Windows cd-rom, but in the $OEM$ directory (with the file "cmdlines.txt" which launchs the script .bat). So I think that the batch file is copied on the hard drive just before the starting of Windows Installation and used for the installation of programs.

    How can I do for being sure that my batch file is in hard drive and not to the Windows cd-rom ?

  4. But I can't use VMware :( ! So, no problem with Microsoft Virtual PC ?

    This is my script MS-DOS (file .bat) :

    @echo off
    echo Installation des applications
    echo -----------------------------
    echo Installation de Microsoft .NET Framework
    echo start /wait %SystemDrive%\Apps\DotNet\dotnetfx.exe /Q /C:"install.exe /q"
    start "" /wait msiexec /i %SystemDrive%\Apps\DotNet\netfx.msi /qn
    echo ...terminé...
    echo .
    set CDROM=D:
    echo Attente du CDrom : SIMGV-POT-INFRA-2
    start "" /wait %SystemDrive%\Apps\cdswitch.exe "SIMGV-POT-I2" %CDROM% /f:SIMGV-POT-I2
    echo ...terminé...
    echo .
    echo Installation de Intel Desktop Utilities
    start "" /wait %CDROM%\Intel\Desktop\setup.exe /S /v /qn
    echo ...terminé...
    echo .
    echo Installation de LanDesktop manager
    start "" /wait %CDROM%\Intel\LANDeskSystemManager.exe /S /v /qn
    echo ...terminé...
    echo .

    When I capture the ISO of "SIMGV-POT-I2" with VPC, Cdswitch stop and the installation of programs in the cd-rom "SIMGV-POT-I2" can't run :( ! It's like Cdswitch close the execution of the script MS-DOS just after the switching.

  5. Hello people !

    Sorry for my English, I'm French :D !

    First, I want to say "Thanks !" to Nanaki for his help, now I use Cdswitch for making an unattended installation of Windows Xp + programs.

    So my problem is that I want to know if Cdswitch is compatible with an install with a virtual machine (I use Microsoft Virtual PC 2004). I have encounter a problem : when Cdswitch is running on the installation of programs (I use a .bat script) during the end of the installation of Windows Xp, and show the warning "Chance the cd", when I change it (with Virtual PC you can only switch Iso) the Cdswitch program stop immediately and cancel the rest of the .bat script !

    So... Help ! :P

    Thank you all for your answers.

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