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Posts posted by ravendark

  1. 20060204-0tn.jpg



    nothing fancy by any means, i just need a color change from the xp default once in a while

    the VS and wallpaper are from crystalxp.net, called Crystal dlb 2

    the first ss is bare desktop

    the second is firefox with the tab_expose extension

    and the third is firefox open to my dvdprofiler page, dvdprofiler locally, and itunes for background noise

  2. hmm, haven't posted here in a while so here is the current screeny


    widgets on the desktop are Kapsules

    and the theme is from ThemeXP.org

    not sure if i like it yet, only had it about a day and a half, so it could change.

    trying to get the new release of kapsules to run some more widgets and play a bit

    befor i decide to keep the theme or move to something else

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