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  1. Thanks mritter. I'll hold out until 7.6.0
  2. I hope someone can help with the issue I'm currently having with my network WPI repository. I've been running up to version 7.3 of WPI from my network source without issue. I recently upgraded to 7.5 and I'm having the following problem. My UI runs a batch file that inserts a run once regkey to execute a cmd file (from this topic) to launch WPI at next login. The cmd executes and the WPI window appears briefly then disappears. Once the desktop loads, I'm able to launch the cmd file again and WPI loads and runs without issue. My cmd file has not changed in over a year, but the jump from 7.3 to 7.5 seems to bring this issue with it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Milo, In a simple answer, no there is not. This has nothing to do with WPI, but with Office 2007 installation. My suggestion is to go to the following page and understand how the Office Customization Tool (OCT) works. OTC alters the way Setup installs and configures office on the target computer. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179132.aspx Once you create your custom "answer file" you can then use WPI to execute Setup. Here is my code for executing my Office setup from WPI. "%wpipath%\Install\Office 2007 Professional Plus w SP1\setup.exe" I install all of my applications from a network installation source through WPI. This method allows updates and software additions without changing your OS installation source, be it an unattended CD\DVD, Ghost image or RIS, you will always have the most current software being installed. If you want to install from the network, create your administrative share for Office 2007 by following the instructions here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179063.aspx And to run WPI from a network share look here: http://www.msfn.org/board/Tip-for-running-...l=%5Cnetwork%5C I hope this will get you going in the right direction. Cheers.
  4. Milo, In a simple answer, no there is not. This has nothing to do with WPI, but with Office 2007 installation. My suggestion is to go to the following page and understand how the Office Customization Tool (OCT) works. OTC alters the way Setup installs and configures office on the target computer. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179132.aspx Once you create your custom "answer file" you can then use WPI to execute Setup. Here is my code for executing my Office setup from WPI. "%wpipath%\Install\Office 2007 Professional Plus w SP1\setup.exe" I install all of my applications from a network installation source through WPI. This method allows updates and software additions without changing your OS installation source, be it an unattended CD\DVD, Ghost image or RIS, you will always have the most current software being installed. If you want to install from the network, create your administrative share for Office 2007 by following the instructions here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179063.aspx
  5. quinriva, I've built both standard XP and Tablet edition unattended DVD's. Copying the contents of the Tablet cd's CMPNENTS folder to your source build folder is correct. The only difference between the two builds is that folder and the "Productkey" line in the Winnt.sif file. You must use a valid XP Tablet PC Edition key to have the components install during setup. Attached is my current .sif file. You will see that no other entries are needed. I'm using this build on Lenovo X61 Tablets and it works great. If you are using nLite, make sure you are not removing the components by mistake. Take care, 03rst WINNT.SIF
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