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Posts posted by hwtan

  1. File association is one of the things I think became a little trickier rather than more intuitive with Vista.

    Indeed. While I look into registry, I notice that Vista keep track of almost all the exe files that the user ever runs, including those .exe that does not come with an installer. Nobody knows what Vista has done to all these and what is it for.

  2. Thank you Mr Snrub for all your help. I finally get it done! Horay!

    In the process of finding the problem with your guidance I notice that I did a mistake earlier by associating .gal with another program MGAPAK.exe which refuse to go away and for some strange reasons disallowed me to re-associate .gal with gallery.exe.

    So, to test, I made a copy of gallery.exe, named gallery - copy.exe (windows' generated default name) and managed to associated it with .gal. Then I deleted the original gallery.exe and rename the gallery - copy.exe back to gallery.exe and try to associate .gal with it but failed. Very very strange! I therefore dig into registry, get rid of all .gal key. But still no luck. In the process I notice some registry values contain data "gal_auto_file". From this clue I manage to find some gal_auto_file keys and delete them. Only after all these, I am allowed to re-associate the .gal file again.

    Thanks once again for your help, effort and your concern. :thumbup

  3. Choose the program you want to use to open this file:

    File: test.gal

    HHD Software Hex Editor Neo (x64)

    Internet Explorer




    Rights Management Add-on for Internet Explorer

    Windows Media Center

    Windows Media Player

    Windows Photo Viewer


    Type a description that you want to use for this kind of file:

    [x] Always use the selected program to open this kind of file


    (The list of programs is built from apps registered in Windows through an installer, so it's unlikely to be the same on any 2 machines.)

    I clicked the Browse button and navigated to my Desktop folder, then double-clicked on the gallery.exe icon - I was returned to the previous "Open with" dialogue now with th additional icon selected (it had the icon and name for "Notepad" as this comes out of the PE header, not the exectuable name).

    Since Gallery.exe is a win32s program, I am not able to install it through its installer (it runs without installation nevertheless). So, it is not registered in Windows. So, after I "double-clicked on the gallery.exe icon - I was returned to the previous "Open with" dialogue" but without the additional icon! That is why I have to resort to regedit.

  4. When I double click the .gal file, Windows does prompt me to select a program to open it. However, after clicking the browse button and find the Gallery.exe, after selecting it and double clicking it, nothing happened. It just returns me to the previous dialog box, asking me to select a program again. If I remember correctly, the only way to run it, is by dragging the .gal to gallery.exe in explorer. Strange, isn't it?

  5. Thanks for your prompt reply. I will try it later. Since it is a 16bit win32s program, the gallery.exe was able to find the .gal by itself and run without problem in win 98. Now I have to drag and drop the .gal file to the gallery.exe in explorer to run. I remember there was an error message when I let the gallery.exe to find the respective .gal. I will get back to you when I try again later this week. By the way, can't I do an association with registry twist if it does not support command line parameters?

  6. I want to associate .gal (I think is the index file of Corel Mega Gallery) to Gallery.exe, but the default program in Vista just does not allow me to do so. I selected the gallery.exe as the default program but nothing happened after that. So, is there a way to edit the registry (using regedit) to achieve that?

  7. According to Creative, Microsoft removed the DirectSound API in VIsta, and that causes all the troubles in the Audigy series of soundcard. Is there any good guy here who are will to pick up this project, which is like the kernel Update Project for Win98, and add the required API for Vista? That would be a great blessing to all Audigy users.

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