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Posted (edited)

To deploy Visual Studio 2008 in unattended mode, you must create the unattend file for the Visual Studio 2008 installation.

You must create a unique .INI unattend file for each target operation system. For example, unattend file created for Windows XP would not be usable for Windows 2003 and vise versa.

To do this, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create Visual Studio unattended .ini file

Insert the Visual Studio 2008 DVD and ignore the autorun message.

From the Start menu, choose Run.

Type the following:

<DVD-ROM drive>:\setup\Setup.exe /createunattend <path to VS2008 INI-file>

D:\setup\setup.exe /createunattend c:\VS2008_deployment.ini

On the Options page, select the features intended to be deployed, and then click Save Settings

Step 2: Create MSDN Studio unattended .ini file

From Run.

Type the following:

<DVD-ROM drive>:\msdn\setup\Setup.exe /createunattend <path to MSDN INI-file>

D:\msdn\setup\setup.exe /createunattend c:\MSDN2008_deployment.ini

On the Options page, select the features intended to be deployed, and then click Save Settings

Run Unattended Setup

Step 1: Run unattended Visual Studio setup on a client machine

Verify that Visual Studio 2008 is available on the network.

From Run.

Type the following:

\\<servername>\VS2008\Setup\setup.exe /unattendfile <path to VS2008 INI-file>

\\server\VS2008\Setup\setup.exe /unattendfile \\server\VS2008\VS2008_deployment.ini

Step 2: Run unattended MSDN Library setup on a client machine (Optional)

From Run.

Type the following:

\\<servername>\VS2008\msdn\Setup\setup.exe /unattendfile <path to MSDN INI-file>

\\server\VS2008\msdn\Setup\setup.exe /unattendfile \\server\VS2008\MSDN2008_deployment.ini

Edited by hannubys

Posted (edited)

Required Components

Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1
WCU\msi31 WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe /quiet /norestart

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
WCU\dotNetFramework dotnetfx35setup.exe /q /norestart /lang:ENU

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 64bit Prerequisites
WCU\64bitPrereq\x64 vs_bsln.exe /Q USING_EXUIH=1

Microsoft Document Explorer 2008
WCU\DExplore dexplore.exe /q

Microsoft Web Designer Tools
WCU\WebDesignerCore WebDesignerCore.exe /Q /install

Edited by hannubys
Posted (edited)

Optional Components to install after Visual Studio 2008

Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP2 
WCU\NetCF NetCFSetupv2.msi /qn

Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 3.5 
WCU\NetCF NetCFSetupv35.msi /qn

Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office system (version 3.0 Runtime) 
WCU\VS Tools for Office vstor30.exe /q

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the 2007 Microsoft Office System Runtime
WCU\VS Tools for Office vstor.exe /q

Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 
WCU\SSCE SSCERuntime-ENU.msi /qn

Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Design Tools 

Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 For Devices 
WCU\SSCE SSCEDeviceRuntime-ENU.msi /qn

Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 for Pocket PC 
WCU\WindowsMobileSDK MagOrcasPPC.msi /qn

Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 for Smartphone	
WCU\WindowsMobileSDK MagOrcasSP.msi /qn

Microsoft Device Emulator version 3.0 
WCU\ARM Vista x64 only: vs_emulator_x64_vista.exe /q

Other platforms:
vs_emulator.exe /q

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (x86) 
WCU\SSE x86: SQLEXPR32.EXE -q /norebootchk /qn reboot=ReallySuppress AddUserAsAdmin=1 addlocal=all instancename=SQLEXPRESS SCCCHECKLEVEL=IncompatibleComponents:1;MDAC25Version:0 ERRORREPORTING=2 SQLAUTOSTART=1 /watsongenman=SQL???.mft

SQLEXPR.EXE -q /norebootchk /qn reboot=ReallySuppress AddUserAsAdmin=1 addlocal=all instancename=SQLEXPRESS SCCCHECKLEVEL=IncompatibleComponents:1;MDAC25Version:0 ERRORREPORTING=2 SQLAUTOSTART=1 /watsongenman=SQL???.mft

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Remote Debugger x64 only:
Remote Debugger\x64 rdbgsetup.exe /q

Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 Tools 

Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 Headers and Libraries 

Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 Win32 Tools 

Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 .NET Framework Tools 

Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 SDK Reference Assemblies and IntelliSense 

Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 
WCU\SQLPub SqlPubWiz.msi IsInvokedFromVS=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn

Edited by hannubys
Posted (edited)

Log File Locations

The following log files are generated during Visual Studio 2008 setup:


VSMsiLog****.txt (where * is a randomly-generated suffix)

During Visual Studio setup , the log files are located in the %temp% directory.

C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Local Settings\Temp

After Visual Studio installation , the log files are located in the Logs directory in the path that Visual Studio is installed.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9\[Product Name]\Logs

After a Visual Studio failed installation or removal, the log files are left in the %temp% directory.

Edited by hannubys

Normally after this tutorial everything sould be fine. If you have some error during setup, attach your log file

Normally after this tutorial everything sould be fine. If you have some error during setup, attach your log file


I have already posted about a problem with VS 2005 Pro here http://www.msfn.org/board/Microsoft-Visual...l=Visual+Studio

I have now moved onto VS 2008 Pro and am getting the exact same problem. It seems to be related to Windows Installer 3.1. Below is the last part of the log file. I can't attach my complete log file as when I hit the broswe button IE locks up (The machine I am writing this from is not the machine I am trying to deploy VS 2008 too :))

When I run the VS 2008 Setup manually it completes without any problems. I'm trying to install it onto a PC running Windows XP inc SP3. I have checked Event Viewer in the Application log it states: Product: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU -- Installation completed successfully.

I have just read Microsofts install guide again and found reference to Network paths not exceeding 39 characters. The path to the Windows 3.1 installer on out network is 90 characters. I think that's the issue. Could someone please confirm?

Log File:

[05/28/08,11:48:19] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_PREINSTALL) completed

[05/28/08,11:48:19] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_INSTALL) starting

[05/28/08,11:48:19] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value:

[05/28/08,11:48:19] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value:

[05/28/08,11:48:19] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1: ISetupManager::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::GetGlobalCustomProperty()

[05/28/08,11:48:19] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BBE1827C-F2FD-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 0

[05/28/08,11:48:19] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: ..

[05/28/08,11:48:19] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1: GenericComponent Action: CreateProcess launched with cmd line : \\cam-carbona.students\apps\vs2008\vs2008\setup\..\wcu\msi31\WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe /quiet /norestart

[05/28/08,11:48:19] BWaitForMSI(): Verifying we're the only installation currently in progress.

[05/28/08,11:48:19] BWaitForMSI(): Ready to proceed with installation. Continuing...

[05/28/08,11:48:21] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1: \\cam-carbona.students\apps\vs2008\vs2008\setup\..\wcu\msi31\WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe exited with return value 1603

[05/28/08,11:48:21] InstallReturnValue: GFN_MID Windows Installer 3.1, 0x643

[05/28/08,11:48:22] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty

[05/28/08,11:48:22] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : Error code 1603 for this component means "Fatal error during installation.


[05/28/08,11:48:22] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty

[05/28/08,11:48:22] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : Setup Failed on component Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1

[05/28/08,11:48:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BBE1827C-F2FD-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 0

[05/28/08,11:48:22] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1: CBaseComponent::LaunchWatson() - Obtained CSetupWatson instance

[05/28/08,11:48:22] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1: ISetupManager::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::GetGlobalCustomProperty()

[05/28/08,11:48:22] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1: ISetupManager::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::GetGlobalCustomProperty()

[05/28/08,11:48:22] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1: CBaseComponent::LaunchWatson() - Creating a PreReq Watson report with manifest: C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\MAN5F.tmp

Thanks in advance for any help.



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