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Does anyone know how to silently install Quicken 2005. (Installshield)

I found a msi file that launches the installation but.

here is the error i get when i try to use /quiet to install silently



Well, installshield has a standard method mentioned in the msfn guide. I don't know if the newer versions that create MSI installers have changed, but this is what I do for most IS-based installers:

1. Check that C:\Windows does not have any file by name setup.iss

2. Confirm that quicken 2005 (or NAME_OF_APP_HERE) is not already installed.

3. Run the setup.exe with "-R" switch.

CMD window:
D:\temp\quicken_path\setup.exe -R

4. Complete the setup, as you do normally (keep in mind that you should *NOT* agree for a restart, otherwise it will restart the PC after installing itself during the Windows setup - and that's not at all nice).

5. Now copy C:\Windows\setup.iss to your folder where the setup.exe is (i.e., if D:\temp\quicken_path\setup.exe is present, then D:\temp\quicken_path\setup.iss too right there). If there is already a setup.iss present there, then rename that to something else.

6. Now use the "-s" switch for silent install, it will pick-up parameters from the setup.iss in its own directory.

%systemdrive%\quicken_path\setup.exe -s

7. That's all.

If you want to make things complicated, then you can even have the response file named as something else, and use the "-f2" switch.

D:\temp\quicken_path\setup.exe -s-f1"D:\temp\quicken_path\quicken.iss"

But its better to not do it.


If it does not work in the way said above, do this:

1. Run the setup.exe (remember: setup.exe, *NOT* the MSI) with "/A" switch to make an admin-install point.

2. Put this admin-install point onto your CD (delete the previous folder from which you ran the /A), and run the setup.exe with "/QB" switch.

Hoping this helps....



thank u using your first method of using setup.exe -R i was able to make the setup.iss file.

but when i tried to run the setup.exe -s

here are the unfavorable results that happened.

1. no quicken uinstall in add/remove programs

2. no startup quicken in start/programs/menu

the program icon appears on the desktop as far as i know it is fully functional.

the second method of admin point did not work

it created a folder with a msi but no setup.exe

will keep trying to figure this out


first you have to install the installshield script engine

msiexec /i isscript.msi /qb

Then you have to envoke the installshield msi (issetupdriven=1 fakes it out by telling that the installshield setup.exe is running it).

msiexec /i Quicken 2005.msi issetupdriven=1 /qb

I am still working on the rest. It still does not fully install. I think a couple custom actions must go.


final quiet msi command strings for quicken 2005

msiexec /i "isscript.msi" /qb

msiexec /i "Quicken 2005.msi" issetupdriven=1 allusers=1 installlevel=1 reboot=reallysuppress /qb

This will have quicken 2005 in the add remove programs and also all the links appear. The only issue is that the icon for quicken 2005 is not correct to fix the icon you have to copy quicken.ico out of the acp to C:\Program Files\Quicken directory.


Complete Quicken 2005 MSI install instructions

Off of the CD (or if you have another method you will have to look for it). There should be a directory with the following files "Quicken 2005.msi" and "isscript.msi".

Run the following command to create the acp.

msiexec /a "D:\DISK1\Quicken 2005.msi" shortfilenames=true targetdir=c:\q2005 /qb

This will create the admin control point in c:\q2005 directory (you can move or rename it after you create it). This admin control point is your new install point (where you will install in the future). It can be move you a server or another pc.

Copy the "isscript.msi" file to the c:\q2005 directory.

To perform the install off of the admin control point run the following command (batch file).

@echo off

msiexec /i "isscript.msi" /qb

msiexec /i "Quicken 2005.msi" issetupdriven=1 allusers=1 installlevel=1 reboot=reallysuppress /qb

copy /Y PROGRA~1\Quicken\quicken.ico "C:\Program Files\Quicken\*.*"

echo done installing Quicken 2005


  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)

Could you use this for RunOnceEx? If you start the isscript.msi with runonce and then call the Quicken2005.msi file in the same instance like this?:

REG ADD %KEY%\055 /VE /D "Quicken Home & Business 2005"
REG ADD %KEY%\055 /V 1 /D "msiexec /i "%systemdrive%\Install\Quicken\isscript.msi" /qb" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\055 /V 2 /D "msiexec /i "msiexec /i "%systemdrive%\Install\Quicken\Quicken 2005.msi" issetupdriven=1 allusers=1 installlevel=1 reboot=reallysuppress /qb" /f

If this won't work please help...

Edited by fly2279

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