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Keep USB modem connected when log off...


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At work we have some remote PCs that we have locked down so the users can't really do much with them (only what they need to do).

If they need remote support we use VNC.

As they are locked down we need to log out of the user login and log back in as Administrator.

But if I connect via VNC and logoff so i can log back in as Admin the modem drops it's connection.

Is there any way of doing this so the modem stays connected? Or is there another way of achieving the same result possibly by logging in as Admin from within Windows rather than logging out out first.

As it is locked down this may prove tricky unless maybe it can be unlocked, some change made, then locked again.



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Assuming these are XP Pro machines, it may be better to use Remote Assistance and Runas to do your work. Modem connections are entirely profile-specific, so there's no built-in way in Windows to have a modem connection survive a user logoff event.

However (and an internet search is your friend!!!), a freeware product called "KeepRAS" can do this - it's not necessarily easy to set up and configure, but I've seen it work.

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Thanks for the reply.

Would it be possible to create a shortcut that brings up the Windows login box on the desktop of the locked down PC so that once an Administrator connects they can then click on this icon and then login without first logging out and hence keeping the connection alive?

I will take a peek at the KeepRAS to see if it can help.


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Hi Philster....

You just need to import this regedit option on the machine where you connect to....

paste this in a REG file...and then import it in the regedit....or if you prefere manually make the key.


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]


Happy networking....


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